Leader or Politician? (Demetrios, you're my hero!)

As originally published in Key West the Newspaper on August 26, 2011

I’m not a fan of milk toast leadership. You know, the kind of politician that always has the smile, wants to tell you what you want to hear, rides the fence, and whose primary consideration is their own political preservation and aspirations. In boom times, these types only gag me like a nice glass of oily bilge water, but when we are in a crisis, these ineffective, self-absorbed, do nothing, offend no one type of politicians serve as nothing more than lead ballast in a sinking boat.

While it is true that I am consumed with highlighting when these types are deficient in their service as our elected or hired officials, I would be remiss if I did not draw attention to a few of the true leaders throughout our community that make a positive difference. Yes, believe it or not, among us are individuals with the characteristics of honesty, truth, practicality and whom put their community before their own self interest. Admittedly I may not always agree with them on every issue, but I do know where they stand, and to me that is more important than a smiling jackal who will tell me what I want to hear and then either do nothing, or worse do the opposite of what they promised.

So who are some of our local heroes? Let’s start with John Dick, Chairman of the Monroe County School Board. John has been serving since 2006 and has consistently been a vigilant fiscal watch dog, conducting his own research, and aggressively challenging the school administration for better service. John will look you in the eye and tell you the stark reality of any given situation, and more importantly let you know where he stands. I know there are people that vehemently dislike John. More than likely this is because John will discuss and make the hard choices that are needed, regardless of how popular such positions or rhetoric are. John’s been trying to save a sinking ship while other less useful School Board members vilify him.

Ron Saunders Endorses Department of Justice Investigation of Attorney General Pam Bondi (with the Ferocity of a Common House Gecko)

As originally run in Key West the Newspaper Aug 5, 2011 (With online Updates)
Matt Gardi Revisits the Latest in Foreclosure Fraud

If you have been looking for a distraction from the latest Surreality TV of the Debt Ceiling Debacle, otherwise known as how 535 grown adults and a President can’t do third grade math, look no further. It’s been a couple months since Key West the Newspaper published a six part series I penned on the foreclosure fraud crisis that our State and Nation are currently facing. If you recall, throughout the series I described the rampant fraud that began with the mortgage securitization process, examined the evasion of filing fees by banksters, and worked through robo-signing and the rubberstamping of questionable cases by Judges. Ultimately the series exposed how the process is destroying the rule of law and our title histories and effects each and everyone of us, whether we’re in foreclosure or not. You know, sort of a touching love story.

The series illustrated that the resultant clouded title histories will continue to erode confidence in our property values for decades. Decreasing property values then destroy net worth, and put more homeowners in a negative equity position, the prime reason people choose to walk away from their underwater mortgages. This only perpetuates the cruel and vicious cycle, which also is destroying our tax base, and causing budget shortfalls in so many of our local agencies. The entire series is still available on my blog at www.nakedconch.com.