How the FCAT Affected my Life

In response to the many requests to re-post the video "How the FCAT Affected my Life" in a different format, here it is embedded below.  We invite you to watch this 6 minute expose on how the FCAT is adversely affecting some of our most talented children.  It was originally provided to me by Orange County School Board member, Rick Roach. 

Students discuss the problems associated with standardized testing. This video was created by FHS Patriot Productions. Directed by Tea'a Taylor. Executive producer Cody Stanley. Copyright PTV 2012.

Sheriff's Office Snared in Their Own Roadblock

MCSO Creates Roadblock to Public Information, Forced to Show Cards
Candidate for Sheriff Bill Grove Exposes Aircraft Fuel Folly

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  May 24, 2012
Satirical Summation
Grove: What are the annual fuel costs for your airplane?
MCSO: We would have to copy and add up all the receipts, it will cost you $150.
Grove: You can't just give me a number?
MCSO: There is no "Total." $150, please.
Gardi to MCSO: You mean your award winning finance department can't provide a line item on fuel costs...even to the Sheriff?
Less than two hours later...
(During which time Becky Herrin emails administrator Mike Rice and asks..."Does this change anything?")
MCSO: wanted a total.  Now we get it.  Ooops, we had forgotten to give you the line item report of fuel costs.  How silly of us.  Here it is, no charge required.

Conclusion: MCSO intentionally created a challenge to obtain information which ultimately illustrated that the Sheriff jet sets around in an effort to get on a new reality TV show called, "Lifestyles of the Rich and Taxpayer Funded Agency Administrators."

OK folks this all gets back to that transparency thingy again.  Let's start with the press release coming out of the Grove Campaign.

Sheriff Candidate Cries Foul Over Fuel
- For immediate release - May 18, 2012 Grove for Sheriff Campaign

Bill Grove, candidate for Monroe County Sheriff has cried foul over the MCSO’s release of records relating to fuel costs of the department’s aircraft.

What started out as an exploratory effort to examine the practicality of the Sheriff’s Office use and maintenance of its own aircraft has exposed what Grove describes as a, “less than good faith effort,” on behalf of the MCSO in providing the information.

“You would think that asking for the annual fuel costs of the plane would be a simple request,” Grove suggests.  But as it turns out, he was at first given a scattered replied provided by MCSO Administrator Mike Rice detailing gallons purchased, mixed with other dollar amounts.  Grove pressed on for weeks in an email exchange with MCSO’s public relations specialist, Becky Herrin, to obtain a simple, dollar amount on an annual basis.

Herrin eventually explained in an email, “There is no "total" available.  We would have to make you invoice copies, and you would have to total them up.”  She referenced an email from Rice explaining such detail, that also suggested “The cost to gather these records, including staff time and copies, will be approximately $150.”

Grove paid the fee to obtain the records, along with other charges for a total of $200.  Shortly afterwards, he mentioned the issue to Matt Gardi, a candidate for Clerk of Courts, himself an advocate of ease of access to public records.  Gardi queried Herrin with the following questions;

1) Does this mean that the MCSO finance department has no way to easily provide a line item on the aircraft's fuel costs?

2) Does this also mean that if the Sheriff himself were to pose the exact same question to his finance department that it would consume $200 worth of labor and material resources to get such an answer?

Coincidentally within two hours of Herrin receiving Gardi’s email, Mike Rice realized he had failed to provide a report in his first response, and emailed Grove a line item report of the aircraft’s annual fuel costs.

“It was one way or the other,” Gardi states, “either the MCSO couldn’t provide a line item which would indicate they have a terrible accounting system, or they were intentionally obfuscating and attempting to dissuade Grove from obtaining the information.  As it turns out it was the latter.”

Having seen the incredibly quick response to Grove, Gardi asked for any email exchanges between Herrin and Rice during the two hour period.  Herrin provided Gardi with an email wherein she forwarded Gardi’s questions to Rice 10 minutes after receiving it and asks, “You were going to send me something for Bill..Does this change anything? See below...” (Click Here to See Email.) Rice then replied detailing his epiphany of forgetting to attach a line item report weeks earlier.

Grove was refunded his fee but still voices objections to the intentional deterrence MCSO created with their behavior.

“This flies in the face of the intent of Public Records laws,” suggests Grove.  "This incident clearly shows the way the administration of the Sheriff's Office is less than transparent with regards to how they spend our  money.” "Shortly after I began asking about the plane the MCSO website is changed."  "Now the website no longer says agencies reimburse them for use of the plane, because that just has not been done." "The Sheriff's Office flies their own private aircraft all over the place and they don't want the public to know about it."  "Fuel cost over the last four years average $65,000 dollars a year and the total reimbursement from other agencies during those four years is less than $1200.00."
Well, in an odd way I guess that's pretty transparent.  It's transparent that the MCSO was giving Grove the run around, and attempting to discourage his requests with unreasonable fees.   Florida Statute 119.07 (1) (c) states, "A custodian of public records and his or her designee must acknowledge requests to inspect or copy records promptly and respond to such requests in good faith."  FS 119 also provides for a $500 fine for violations, and it becomes criminal when those violations are intentional.  Quick, someone call...the Sheriff!?!

But now let's take a look at just one example of the jet setting.  (Please see here.)  This is what the MCSO provided Grove as representing the only reimbursements the Sheriff's Office has received for use of it's aircraft.  These are requests for reimbursement, by the MCSO from FDLE for use of the aircraft to transport the Sheriff to Medical Examiner's Commission meetings, mostly held in Sarasota for only a few hours.  It also includes reimbursements for meals, car rentals and lodging.  The reimbursement is calculated on the average mileage rate the State pays for use of a personal vehicle, but does not illustrate the true cost of flying the plane on these junkets.

Now one might argue that using the aircraft is less expensive, which might be true provided the Sheriff went only for the meeting and returned that day.  However, in almost every instance you see an additional expense for a rental car, meals, lodging, and the proverbial canary in a coal mine...the pilots lodging.  Yes, because as you see on some of these documents it states "Pilots reserved own rooms."   I'm sure these pilots didn't spring for these rooms on their own, (You and I did.) and that detail is simply not included here.  That's not even mentioning the pilot's pay.  Again, most of the time these trips appear to be for meetings that only lasted a couple of hours.

So what alternatives did the Sheriff have?  I have a sneaking suspicion he may have been able to find a white Crown Victoria somewhere in the department and driven.  That's just a hunch, as I seem to recall seeing a few of those around the Keys.  But as someone who has protested Agency Administrators' frequent travel to such meetings and conferences in general, I might suggest that he could have been an advocate of attending the meetings via teleconference or the web, such as any private sector company would do.  This would eliminate the need for the plane, the pilots, the meals, the lodging, the gas, etc, altogether.

Again, this is just one example of the aircraft's use that Grove was able to find.  Who knows how much the MCSO would want to charge to find out the true cost and purpose of each and every flight that makes up the $65,000 annual fuel costs.  The MCSO references the fact that they only paid $500 for this plane, but what is it truly costing us?  Kudus to Bill Grove for digging into this.


Gardi Announces Opening Campaign Event

Gardi for Clerk Campaign Update!

Gardi for Clerk Campaign Welcomes One and All to our Opening Campaign Event 

When? May 31st from 6pm - 8pm

Where? Sugarloaf Lodge Tiki Bar

That's's a Gardi Party!

Come Meet the Candidate: Matt Gardi invites you to come on out for a few hours of informative discussion about this critical election for Monroe County Clerk of Courts!  Find out more about why Matt has chosen to run for this office, and what it means to you, and the future of Monroe County.

Campaign Issues That are Important to Matt Gardi
  • Integrity of our land records, defense of our title histories, and support of our property values and tax base.
  • Recapturing lost filing fees that banks have evaded, and assure that future filings will be accurate and timely.
  • Bring the Clerk's office into the 21st Century.  We need to address E-filing, online access to Court records and a host of technological advancements.
  • Transparency.  County agency line item budgets, and records should be easily available on line.
  • Consolidation and Inter-Agency Cooperation.
  • Re-evaluating and diversifying County Investments in a move away from failed GSEs.
Review Matt Gardi's Track Record Here!

Fabulous sandwiches and wraps from Missy and Joe's, atmosphere courtesy of Sugarloaf Lodge.
Candidate Remarks at 7:30pm.
Please join us for an evening of fun and informative discussion to be enjoyed by all.

Follow the campaign at
Missy 'n' Joe's Deli

Missy 'n' Joe's Deli

One of the best deli's in the Keys!
Sugarloaf Lodge Tiki Bar

Sugarloaf Lodge Tiki Bar

Absolutely the best sunset in the Keys!

12 Year Old Girl Explains Fraudulent Banking System

She probably can't pass the FCAT, but she would make a great Presidential candidate.

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  May 17, 2012

12 year old Victoria Grant of Canada explains in a few minutes what the mainstream media mumblers have failed to do in years.  It applies across the board to most every nation's financial system.  Did you ever wonder...?  Enjoy!

Also, while we are enjoying the truth about banks, below is a quick little news clip of a Kansas City man who paid cash for a house, and subsequently had it invaded, had the locks changed, and all his belongings discarded.  He is suing JP Morgan Chase, but one has to wonder where law enforcement is in all of this!?

We are beginning to see this type of activity here in the Keys as well, as a Marathon couple recently reported to me that a bank "servicer" recently walked into their home, scared off a cleaning crew, and posted a notice that the locks would be changed....and the property had not even had a Lis Pendens filed on it yet.

You and I would be in jail for home invasion and theft, but somehow the banks get to make these "mistakes" free of consequence.  We also would be in jail for filing any of the countless fraudulent documents that the banks have filed with our Clerk's Office, and that Judges throughout the State are rubber stamping, destroying our title histories, property values and tax base.

It's crimes of fraud, theft and forgery, plain and simple.  Where are the handcuffs?  Where?


State Board of Education Fails with FCAT!

Miami Herald Reports Preliminary Results Indicate Only 27% Pass FCAT

No need to scratch your head on this one when you force teachers to teach for a test, then change the test and scoring methods halfway through an academic year.

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  May 15, 2012
The Miami Herald is reporting today that preliminary results indicate that only 27% of fourth graders earned a passing score compared with 81% last year.  (Read about it here.)  That indicates something is wrong, but not with the children.  Rather it indicates once again that we should scrap this quarter billion dollar boondoggle pushed on us by educational wizards in Tallahassee.

We need to redirect this misallocation of funds going to the State Department of Education, and get it back down into the classroom to our aides and teachers, and let the teachers teach.  The magnitude of the wasted resources, and damage caused to our children by these lost years of FCAT folly is incomprehensible.   We need to get back to the basics and redesign the educational system from the ground up starting at the local level, where each locality is unique and faces different challenges.

It's time.

Towards that end as well, please enjoy the video below provided to me by Rick Roach, the School Board member who failed the FCAT. (You can read about it here, as it continues to maintain it's ranking as the most read post on Naked Conch!)

Watch this video to see what the FCAT is doing to some of our most talented kids!

Thanks again to Rick Roach for his efforts!

Boys and Girls Club Enjoys Successful 10th Anniversary Fundraiser!

Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Club for another tremendous event on Sunday!

The tenth anniversary of One Particular Harbour held at Margaritaville in Key West was a booming success.  Director Dan Dombroski, along with his wife Lori and a host of volunteers did a bang up job on behalf of the Boys and Girls clubs.  Also, it was great to see so many businesses contribute to the cause with donations and support, especially in these challenging economic times.

Most notably Margaritaville Cafe, who hosted the event, provided great food including prime rib, along with an open bar for guests, totally at their own expense!

This event once again shows how the community can come together for a great cause.  I am sure everyone is already looking forward to next year's 11th anniversary!

Again, congratulations Dan Dombroski and the entire Board of Directors of the Boys and Girls club!

Save the Teachers! - Divest from Fannie Mae

What would you rather invest in, our kids, or a failed quasi-federal boondoggle?
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  May 10, 2012
Would you prefer to invest in our kids and teachers, or invest in a failed banker led company in conservatorship, whose assets are comprised primarily of the most toxic mortgage backed securities, whose liability covers an ocean of underwater mortgages, and who could not even be in operation if not for billions in bailouts?

Well you, my dear friends, are increasingly investing in the latter, while sticking it to the teachers and our children.

That's right, according to a recent report (See Here) I obtained from the Clerk's Office, the County, (you and I) are invested in Fannie Mae for close to $50 MILLION Dollars.  In fact, over half of our County investments totaling close to $130 Million bucks are tied up in GSEs, or "Government Sponsored Enterprises," private companies backed by our tax dollars.  (That means, they get the profits, we get the losses.)  In fact, we are seemingly increasing the percentage of our portfolio placed with GSEs.

But meanwhile, back at the School District, we are facing a $6 million dollar shortfall and teacher layoffs.  Recently School Board member Andy Griffiths has been discussing a huge reduction in bond payments that will free up close to $1 Million per month of capital outlays in October of 2015.  But no one, including Andy, has offered any type of stopgap measure to get us from here to there in the interim...aside from the novel idea of a tax increase, of course.

So, if you think about it, dollars we HAVE, are invested in failed companies that need dollars we DON'T HAVE to operate. (Essentially federal debt we are saddling our children with.)  In the meantime, resources we allocate to those very children being saddling with federal debt are being cut back.  We have essentially created student loans for grade school kids, while providing them with less of an education.  Seems like we could do better if we put the 1st graders in charge.

Here is my solution.  We divest from Fannie Mae, and use some of that money to refinance the School's bonded indebtedness.  We extend the terms of the debt, reducing the cost of interest to the school system while reducing their payments, and actually allow for an INCREASE in the rate of return on the County investment as opposed to what Fannie Mae offers.  As voters, we allow for more of the millage to be redirected from capital to operational so that we can fund the current operating shortfall.

This would not cost the taxpayers anything, replenish our fund balance, and eliminate the need to layoff teachers.

However, this is not intended to let the administration and school board off the hook for their failed leadership.  It's time to "Right Size" admin.  That's right, it's great that we can pay these wizards boatloads of cash when times are rosy, but when the tide goes out, their boats should sink first!

We need to cap all administrative pay at $90,000, and eliminate all pay and benefits to the school board until the ship is righted.  If these wizards can't accept this reduction for the good of our children, then let them leave, and leave quickly.  There will be countless talented individuals from throughout our community that will step up to the plate out of dedication to the kids and our community, a type of motivation that is needed now more than ever.  We no longer need placeholders, we need people that perform.

We can talk about potential teacher reductions, or teacher pay cuts, but with the mindset of whether or not it is truly feasible or warranted.  But certainly not in the context that Superintendent Jara does, suggesting he is only NOW "right sizing," coincidentally when we have a $6 Million dollar shortfall, and not last year when he suggested we had "cut to the bone."

Before we cut teachers or their pay, we must remember we already did last year.  Those furlough days you heard about were simply a way for the district to say, "You don't get paid for Holidays anymore."  That came right out of teachers' paychecks.  Also, if we need to talk about pay cuts for teachers, we need to talk disproportionately about pay cuts for admin.  Whether it's a bigger drop in the bucket or not, administrators need to feel a greater pain from their own failed leadership!

State House Debate! McPherson vs. Raschein

Forum from May 8, 2012 Southernmost Republican Meeting

Feel free to add comments and vote for who you think won this debate below.

Inventory Debacle Rises to the TOP!

Sick of the Fraud and Obfuscation?  Yeah, me too!

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  May 5, 2012

Folks, today in the Citizen is a nice little article from Timothy O'Hara about some additional equipment that has gotten up and walked off.  Again this is a drop in the bucket, and as I am sure you are aware more than likely the result of our pursuit of the inventory issues that we have been doggedly following here on Naked Conch.

You can read about my saga, the resistance of releasing information, and the character assassination that has gone along with my efforts to find the truth in numerous posts here on Naked Conch.  Simply do a search for the word "Inventory."  The most recent synopsis can be found in my post County Inventory "Whack-a-mole!

What is most disturbing about this latest "revelation" is how it came about.  According to the article;

"Deputy County Administrator Debbie Frederick told technical services workers to file Tuesday's police report after the Clerk of the Circuit Court Office conducted an audit and asked about the missing computers."

Seriously?  So on Tuesday, May 1, our heroes at the Clerk's Office push for filing a police report as a result of an audit they just conducted?!?!

So I guess when Property Clerk Mitch Hedman pushed Lisa Druckemiller for this very same equipment a year ago in an email dated May 26, 2011 (Here - Look for the laptops for Alchemy training that add up to the dollar amount in O'Hara's article.) and then again in an email dated July 25, 2011 (Here)... oh and then yet again on August 8, 2011 (Here) that it just wasn't good enough for Danny Kolhage to ask for a police report to be filed and/or have Druckemiller answer some questions.  But it was good enough for him to pressure Mitch Hedman the guy exposing it to resign.  (Here)

This goes along with all the other issues Hedman was bringing to light at the Health Department, and the Fire Department.  Oh, but now we have this intense audit that brings only these four laptops into question when there are literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of other inventory Hedman was exposing by being a diligent hard working effective public servant protecting our tax dollars!!!!

Give me a break!  Hedman deserves a huge round of applause, and compensation for doing his job and suffering the consequences of exposing the machine.  Do you ever wonder why it is that a completely unqualified Druckemiller rises to the very top in our system, while someone like Hedman who respects being a public servant is pushed out the door?  

The reasons for that is ultimately worse than the theft itself.  It's people in positions of authority protecting the perpetrators and discouraging hard working public servants through intimidation.  It's power players that aren't forth coming with public records requests that are intentionally obfuscating and preventing the public from gaining access to the truth.

Folks, it's time we read between the lines to reveal the answer to the questions on all our could this have happened?  How?  I'll tell you.  Because the people at the very top, the very top, not only condone this activity, but protect it.  These revered people that never do anything wrong are equally as culpable, and we keep electing them.  

That is how it happens.  End of story.

State Attorney Debate - Round One!

State Attorney Debate Hosted by the Tavernier Community Association

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  May 3, 2012

Catherine Vogel vs. Dennis Ward in a two hour showdown.  Hey, it's not the Frazier-Ali Thrilla in Manilla, but almost.....

Below is the event attended by approximately fifty people, broken into two parts, the first being questions developed by the candidates and the moderator, the second being questions from the audience.

Enjoy, and please remember to comment and vote on who you think won "Round One" below!

Part 1 - Candidate and Moderator Questions

Part 2 - Questions from the Audience