With the 50 State Attorney Generals so close to a settlement with the banking industry to accommodate the fraud that is so pervasive in the industry, we thought we would bring back our blast from the past video which gives a great overview of the "bankster vs deadbeat homeowner" debate. The settlement appears to whitewash the fraud, and allow for penalties rather than convictions, with States such as California, New York, Nevada, Delaware and Massachusetts raising objections...while our esteemed Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi advocates for the banks. Enjoy the video, we feel it is a comprehensive analysis of the debate!
Krutko Kronicles - You Make the CALL!
Here is an audio of the show discussing Krutko's case against the City of Key West. Feel free to comment below.
Krutko Kronicles - Begin This Friday
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 25, 2012
He's been compared to Christ (By Sloan Bashinsky), but many throughout our community consider him the devil. He might have the City of Key West on the ropes for another "Duck Tours" type of lawsuit, and he has been covered in just about every blog and newspaper in the Florida Keys, including most recently in the Key West Citizen.
Robert Krutko is scheduled to appear this Friday, January 27 at Noon on the Naked Conch Hour on KONK broadcasting. Krutko's story has more twists and turns than a channel in the Mud Key mangroves, and is a story that is easy to get lost in. But now, this Friday, Krutko tells his side in person on the Naked Conch Hour...or as in person as he can get with a Florida arrest warrant hanging over his head.
That's right, Krutko will be appearing by phone from Ohio and we'll be discussing whether that arrest warrant is justified, or whether Krutko is a victim of a corrupt system, hell bent on destroying him while he fights for justice. We will examine the merits of his lawsuit, the potential theft of his charter boat, and the subsequent legal challenges Krutko faces. This won't be a free ride for Krutko to simply state his side of the story, we plan to place him in the "hot seat" and see if he stands tall.
Krutko Kronicles online poll will go live at 11 AM, January 27th
Other Stories We're Following
What didn't Mary want to put in writing? We've been conducting a slow extraction of information from the Office of the Public Defender, (Like trying to pull gum out of your shoe treads with a used Kleenex.) and we are just a few follow up questions away from a complete analysis. It's good...or bad if you're a taxpayer.
Decriminalizing Pot??? You might be surprised how our candidates for State Attorney feel.
Only a few days left to nominate your favorite Pizza joint in our Pizza Wars contest beginning the first of the month. We're determined to find the best Pizza in the Keys, and have you share your input!!
Stay tuned to NakedConch.com by subscribing to follow by email in the upper left corner of the blog!
He's been compared to Christ (By Sloan Bashinsky), but many throughout our community consider him the devil. He might have the City of Key West on the ropes for another "Duck Tours" type of lawsuit, and he has been covered in just about every blog and newspaper in the Florida Keys, including most recently in the Key West Citizen.
Robert Krutko is scheduled to appear this Friday, January 27 at Noon on the Naked Conch Hour on KONK broadcasting. Krutko's story has more twists and turns than a channel in the Mud Key mangroves, and is a story that is easy to get lost in. But now, this Friday, Krutko tells his side in person on the Naked Conch Hour...or as in person as he can get with a Florida arrest warrant hanging over his head.
That's right, Krutko will be appearing by phone from Ohio and we'll be discussing whether that arrest warrant is justified, or whether Krutko is a victim of a corrupt system, hell bent on destroying him while he fights for justice. We will examine the merits of his lawsuit, the potential theft of his charter boat, and the subsequent legal challenges Krutko faces. This won't be a free ride for Krutko to simply state his side of the story, we plan to place him in the "hot seat" and see if he stands tall.
Krutko Kronicles online poll will go live at 11 AM, January 27th
Other Stories We're Following
What didn't Mary want to put in writing? We've been conducting a slow extraction of information from the Office of the Public Defender, (Like trying to pull gum out of your shoe treads with a used Kleenex.) and we are just a few follow up questions away from a complete analysis. It's good...or bad if you're a taxpayer.
Decriminalizing Pot??? You might be surprised how our candidates for State Attorney feel.
Only a few days left to nominate your favorite Pizza joint in our Pizza Wars contest beginning the first of the month. We're determined to find the best Pizza in the Keys, and have you share your input!!
Stay tuned to NakedConch.com by subscribing to follow by email in the upper left corner of the blog!
Roger McVeigh for Schools Superintendent!
It's Time for a Numbers Man.
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 22, 2012
Yes, I know we just took away the voters ability to elect a Superintendent, relying instead on our five School Board Members to select the chief administrator of our school district. But a guy can dream can't he? Why would I encourage our School Board to recruit McVeigh for the top dog of our schools?
Aside from the fact he is a smart accountant with high level real world private sector experience, and aside from the fact he's a likable guy with great communications skills who has worked tirelessly serving on the Schools Audit and Finance Committee, his latest comments regarding budgeting for Charter School enrollment illustrates the fact that he "gets it." You can read about it in an excellent write up by Sean Kinney of the Keynoter here.
The article also illustrates the shortcomings of the most recent School administrators and their approach to budgeting. It covers the "latest" excuse for a budget issue being caused by not budgeting for the worst case scenario, and the result being the need to notify the State that the School District has dropped below the three percent cash reserve threshold, steering the ship dangerously close to a State take over.
Recall that during last year's fiscal fiasco, Superintendent Jesus Jara had suggested that he had "cut to the bone." But then, as this year's fiscal folly unfolded, Jara suggested that NOW he would really start cutting?!!? Really? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you plan for the worst, and things get better, then you actually have a windfall, versus the standard routine run by our gurus of education of continually ignoring reality, budgeting for unrealistically optimistic projections, and then getting stuck in a self created "crisis."
McVeigh appropriately states the obvious when he says, "When you're budgeting in a situation like this, you've got to budget the cost side at the worst case scenario. Budget estimates are always going to be off. There's always going to be negative surprises. You've got to be prepared if you're going to provide quality education to the students."
That's why I'm calling for placing McVeigh at the helm, it's time. Before we just assume Jara stays on at the end of his term, and before Andy Griffiths heads off for training and fires up his array of consultants to assist in a "search" for the best and brightest to lead the schools, let's take advantage of a known resource we have right in front of us. It's time to look past leaders with an "Education" background and bring in a numbers guy like McVeigh until the fiscal house is back in order. All the well intended education policy in the world is useless if we keep stumbling from financial crisis to financial crisis, unable to reasonably plan for the future.
To top it off, today when I spoke to McVeigh about the idea, he said he'd take the job for $80,000.
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 22, 2012
Yes, I know we just took away the voters ability to elect a Superintendent, relying instead on our five School Board Members to select the chief administrator of our school district. But a guy can dream can't he? Why would I encourage our School Board to recruit McVeigh for the top dog of our schools?
Aside from the fact he is a smart accountant with high level real world private sector experience, and aside from the fact he's a likable guy with great communications skills who has worked tirelessly serving on the Schools Audit and Finance Committee, his latest comments regarding budgeting for Charter School enrollment illustrates the fact that he "gets it." You can read about it in an excellent write up by Sean Kinney of the Keynoter here.
The article also illustrates the shortcomings of the most recent School administrators and their approach to budgeting. It covers the "latest" excuse for a budget issue being caused by not budgeting for the worst case scenario, and the result being the need to notify the State that the School District has dropped below the three percent cash reserve threshold, steering the ship dangerously close to a State take over.
Recall that during last year's fiscal fiasco, Superintendent Jesus Jara had suggested that he had "cut to the bone." But then, as this year's fiscal folly unfolded, Jara suggested that NOW he would really start cutting?!!? Really? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you plan for the worst, and things get better, then you actually have a windfall, versus the standard routine run by our gurus of education of continually ignoring reality, budgeting for unrealistically optimistic projections, and then getting stuck in a self created "crisis."
McVeigh appropriately states the obvious when he says, "When you're budgeting in a situation like this, you've got to budget the cost side at the worst case scenario. Budget estimates are always going to be off. There's always going to be negative surprises. You've got to be prepared if you're going to provide quality education to the students."
That's why I'm calling for placing McVeigh at the helm, it's time. Before we just assume Jara stays on at the end of his term, and before Andy Griffiths heads off for training and fires up his array of consultants to assist in a "search" for the best and brightest to lead the schools, let's take advantage of a known resource we have right in front of us. It's time to look past leaders with an "Education" background and bring in a numbers guy like McVeigh until the fiscal house is back in order. All the well intended education policy in the world is useless if we keep stumbling from financial crisis to financial crisis, unable to reasonably plan for the future.
To top it off, today when I spoke to McVeigh about the idea, he said he'd take the job for $80,000.
Naked Conch Hour Guest - Catherine Vogel - Candidate for State Attorney
Reminder: This week's guest on the Naked Conch Hour on the KONK Broadcasting Network will be Catherine Vogel - Candidate for State Attorney.
Tune in this Friday, January 20 at noon!
Take the Poll - Office of the State Attorney
Watch live on Naked Conch
Take the Poll - Office of the State Attorney
Watch live on Naked Conch
If There Was Any Question Who Feeds Us Our Candidates?
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 17, 2012
Is it me? It's me...I know...it's me. Clearly the tables below don't explain why we have a revolving door of Goldman Sachs execs in and out of the Treasury and the Fed regardless of what party we choose to utilize to "throw the bums out!" Certainly the banks don't control our candidates, influence regulation, or help us define who is a credible candidate.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, Dorothy!
Oh, and thank goodness the fine folks at Bank of America can step it up a notch where others (Merrill, Lehman, and Bear Sterns) have failed!

Is It Time to Close the Marathon Courthouse?
The Ghost of Tom Willi comes to visit.
County wants to waste huge amount for THREE TRIALS a year.
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 15, 2012
Call me scrooge, but I find myself pinching public pennies a bit more than usual lately. Oddly, my frugality seems to find a harmony with a chord played by former Monroe County Manager Tom Willi back in 2007.
Willi had floated the idea of closing the Marathon Court House but the issue was quickly shut down by the likes of Judges Ruth Becker and Sandra Taylor coupled with no support from the County Commission.
In our recent foray into squandering public funds to appease a few select members of our Keys community, while renovating the current Marathon Courthouse we have learned that along with asbestos, we now have mold in the building. This has prompted Commissioner George Neugent to call for the demolition of the building, as he suggested it might be better to find a way to build a new municipal center with the help of the City of Marathon. You can read about it here in the Keynoter online.
It's hard not to like George Neugent, because he does seem to think a bit outside the box and always tends to keep an eye on the bottom line. But let's dig a little deeper and see if we can consider some other alternatives that might just take it a step further. Let's summon the ghost of Tom Willi, shall we.
First, in the Keynoter article, Ryan McCarthy exposes the fact that Judge Becker held a grand total of THREE trials in 2011. One of the needs that justify a new Courthouse is the challenges that go along with holding trials, and conducting jury selection. I'll also concede that it wouldn't be the most popular thing to tell Marathon residents that they might have to drive to Key West or Plantation Key to take care of their Court related needs.
But let's look at some other factors. Currently, challenges like first appearances happen from Judge Fowler's Courtroom in Key West via video conferencing to the jail. Could we possibly hold some or most of the less significant hearings via teleconference from a smaller existing facility in Marathon? Perhaps a facility such as the Sheriff's Hanger, or that beautiful conference room at Mosquito Control might offer just such a location. Also, isn't the state moving to e-filing with the Clerk's Office, won't the need to actually show up in Court be reduced dramatically with the implementation of advanced technologies in the near term? Haven't the Courts implemented the use of Court Call allowing for appearances by telephone on a greater scale?
Beyond the capital outlay to construct a Courthouse, we must remember that there are other costs associated with ongoing support. The facility will require maintenance and cleaning, along with the cost of utilities. Labor costs associated with security must be considered. Also, the County pays close to $100,000 in rent annually to maintain offices for the State Attorney and Public Defender. Much of this could be consolidated, reduced and eliminated if we made better use of our existing County facilities in Marathon, and Court facilities in Key West and Plantation Key. Even the Clerk's Office might be able to be consolidated. As it is staff at the Clerk's Office and the State Attorney's Office in Marathon are exchanging a vast majority of their documents electronically now, they never even leave their desks. Does it matter where those desks are?
Instead of spending resources on new construction, we should be leveraging technology, and utilizing or enhancing existing facilities in Marathon to accommodate for the less vital Court related activities. Then, for those THREE trials a year, we can suffer the inconvenience of holding them in Key West or Plantation Key. Who knows, maybe we can even reduce the expense of one Judge and their support staff in the 16th Judicial Circuit as well? Any takers on how their caseloads compare to Statewide averages?
We'll leave that for another post... ;).
County wants to waste huge amount for THREE TRIALS a year.
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 15, 2012
Call me scrooge, but I find myself pinching public pennies a bit more than usual lately. Oddly, my frugality seems to find a harmony with a chord played by former Monroe County Manager Tom Willi back in 2007.
Willi had floated the idea of closing the Marathon Court House but the issue was quickly shut down by the likes of Judges Ruth Becker and Sandra Taylor coupled with no support from the County Commission.
In our recent foray into squandering public funds to appease a few select members of our Keys community, while renovating the current Marathon Courthouse we have learned that along with asbestos, we now have mold in the building. This has prompted Commissioner George Neugent to call for the demolition of the building, as he suggested it might be better to find a way to build a new municipal center with the help of the City of Marathon. You can read about it here in the Keynoter online.
It's hard not to like George Neugent, because he does seem to think a bit outside the box and always tends to keep an eye on the bottom line. But let's dig a little deeper and see if we can consider some other alternatives that might just take it a step further. Let's summon the ghost of Tom Willi, shall we.
First, in the Keynoter article, Ryan McCarthy exposes the fact that Judge Becker held a grand total of THREE trials in 2011. One of the needs that justify a new Courthouse is the challenges that go along with holding trials, and conducting jury selection. I'll also concede that it wouldn't be the most popular thing to tell Marathon residents that they might have to drive to Key West or Plantation Key to take care of their Court related needs.
But let's look at some other factors. Currently, challenges like first appearances happen from Judge Fowler's Courtroom in Key West via video conferencing to the jail. Could we possibly hold some or most of the less significant hearings via teleconference from a smaller existing facility in Marathon? Perhaps a facility such as the Sheriff's Hanger, or that beautiful conference room at Mosquito Control might offer just such a location. Also, isn't the state moving to e-filing with the Clerk's Office, won't the need to actually show up in Court be reduced dramatically with the implementation of advanced technologies in the near term? Haven't the Courts implemented the use of Court Call allowing for appearances by telephone on a greater scale?
Beyond the capital outlay to construct a Courthouse, we must remember that there are other costs associated with ongoing support. The facility will require maintenance and cleaning, along with the cost of utilities. Labor costs associated with security must be considered. Also, the County pays close to $100,000 in rent annually to maintain offices for the State Attorney and Public Defender. Much of this could be consolidated, reduced and eliminated if we made better use of our existing County facilities in Marathon, and Court facilities in Key West and Plantation Key. Even the Clerk's Office might be able to be consolidated. As it is staff at the Clerk's Office and the State Attorney's Office in Marathon are exchanging a vast majority of their documents electronically now, they never even leave their desks. Does it matter where those desks are?
Instead of spending resources on new construction, we should be leveraging technology, and utilizing or enhancing existing facilities in Marathon to accommodate for the less vital Court related activities. Then, for those THREE trials a year, we can suffer the inconvenience of holding them in Key West or Plantation Key. Who knows, maybe we can even reduce the expense of one Judge and their support staff in the 16th Judicial Circuit as well? Any takers on how their caseloads compare to Statewide averages?
We'll leave that for another post... ;).
- Naked Conch - Posted by Mike Mongo- Jan 12, 2012
On January 24, the US Senate is voting on SOPA.
Imagine if you were alive at a time
Imagine if you were alive at a time
when the internet was voted on in the US.
On January 24, the US Senate is voting on SOPA.
SOPA stands for "Stop Online Piracy Act".
"Online Piracy" means Google, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and YouTube. SOPA is being sponsored by old (non-internet) media—ABC, Warner Brothers. Others supporting SOPA are Comcast and Verizon. The group of 81 politicians supporting SOPA are bought and paid for by old money media corporations.
SOPA funds a "firewall" to prevent US citizens from viewing internet exactly like China's Great Firewall.
That's anti-American.
The one place that is growing and creating jobs in the US is the internet. Old media wants that money.
I want you to help spread the word. The internet is awesome but old media is trying to kill it. Right now.
This is that time. On January 24, politicians are voting on the internet.
Spread the word: "STOP SOPA".
Keep up the good work,
"Online Piracy" means Google, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and YouTube. SOPA is being sponsored by old (non-internet) media—ABC, Warner Brothers. Others supporting SOPA are Comcast and Verizon. The group of 81 politicians supporting SOPA are bought and paid for by old money media corporations.
SOPA funds a "firewall" to prevent US citizens from viewing internet exactly like China's Great Firewall.
That's anti-American.
The one place that is growing and creating jobs in the US is the internet. Old media wants that money.
I want you to help spread the word. The internet is awesome but old media is trying to kill it. Right now.
This is that time. On January 24, politicians are voting on the internet.
Spread the word: "STOP SOPA".
Keep up the good work,
Schools Owe FEMA $487,000!
Whew, only a half million.
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 10, 2012
School Board Vice Chair Andy Griffiths informed Naked Conch today that the Monroe County School District owes a sweet tab to FEMA of close to half a million dollars. Without providing any detail, Griffiths suggests that it is for a similar reason as the City owes FEMA $6 million. I guess we should be applauding a job well done?!? Perhaps the individual/s involved deserve a bonus.
That comes at a great time as the Schools are facing budget shortfalls which might require drastic cuts, regardless of the outcome of the upcoming .5 mil referendum.
This only reinforces my rhetoric that I am compelled to regurgitate each time some giddy local official brags about bringing home the bacon, or finding a federal or state grant, or facilitates some other form of funding as if the money is free. It's not. There's always a catch. Beyond the fact that every level of government is broke, and that the gleeful acceptance of this "free" money only mortgages our children's future, we are now faced with FEMA asking for it back at a time when we can least afford it.
It's time to wake up, and stop this insane approach to governing. It's time to accept that we can only expect from government services of which we are willing to pay for today. It's time.
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 10, 2012
School Board Vice Chair Andy Griffiths informed Naked Conch today that the Monroe County School District owes a sweet tab to FEMA of close to half a million dollars. Without providing any detail, Griffiths suggests that it is for a similar reason as the City owes FEMA $6 million. I guess we should be applauding a job well done?!? Perhaps the individual/s involved deserve a bonus.
That comes at a great time as the Schools are facing budget shortfalls which might require drastic cuts, regardless of the outcome of the upcoming .5 mil referendum.
This only reinforces my rhetoric that I am compelled to regurgitate each time some giddy local official brags about bringing home the bacon, or finding a federal or state grant, or facilitates some other form of funding as if the money is free. It's not. There's always a catch. Beyond the fact that every level of government is broke, and that the gleeful acceptance of this "free" money only mortgages our children's future, we are now faced with FEMA asking for it back at a time when we can least afford it.
It's time to wake up, and stop this insane approach to governing. It's time to accept that we can only expect from government services of which we are willing to pay for today. It's time.
A Conundrum for David Fernandez
Well, what do we have here folks?
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 8, 2012
This would appear to be a City sidewalk. One that seems to be graced with some art, expression or..."graffiti?!?"
First let me go on the record to state that I wish no ill will towards this establishment. Further I would encourage this type of character and expression if I was a City leader. Within reason of course. It creates character, and differentiates Key West from Podunk, Iowa. It's what attracts visitors. We also all know that this type of expression exists all over Key West, and it's a good thing.
But it is just that "within reason" part, where City officials have the ability to exercise discretion in how they handle such instances as this...and the Virginia Street wall. In this instance, if I were a City official, and if it is found to be that the restaurant has painted this, and it is indeed an infraction of City ordinances, I would politely ask them to remove it at their expense. I would suggest that if they would like to express such creativity that they petition the appropriate channels for a variance to do so. Just as with the Virginia Street wall, reason would dictate that the the issue would have been resolved in a few short days when the wall was to be torn down.
But in the instance of the Virginia Street wall, Assistant City Manager David Fernandez had a little pow wow with City Manager Jim Scholl and chose to live by the letter of the law twisted to the extreme for their bizarre rationalization defending their actions. They deviated from "reason" and chose to expend City resources to paint a wall that would be torn down. They chose to vindictively have those that painted the wall cited with misdemeanors of Criminal Mischief.
So there it is. Does Fernandez have a little conference with Scholl, send in a City crew with pressure washers, have Key West Police document the damages, and then ultimately cite those who painted this on a City sidewalk with Criminal Mischief?
Or will Fernandez conclusively prove that he was selectively enforcing City ordinances in the case of the Virginia Street wall?
Or will he do us all a favor, issue a public apology, resign, and leave Sweet Tea's alone?
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 8, 2012
This would appear to be a City sidewalk. One that seems to be graced with some art, expression or..."graffiti?!?"
First let me go on the record to state that I wish no ill will towards this establishment. Further I would encourage this type of character and expression if I was a City leader. Within reason of course. It creates character, and differentiates Key West from Podunk, Iowa. It's what attracts visitors. We also all know that this type of expression exists all over Key West, and it's a good thing.
But it is just that "within reason" part, where City officials have the ability to exercise discretion in how they handle such instances as this...and the Virginia Street wall. In this instance, if I were a City official, and if it is found to be that the restaurant has painted this, and it is indeed an infraction of City ordinances, I would politely ask them to remove it at their expense. I would suggest that if they would like to express such creativity that they petition the appropriate channels for a variance to do so. Just as with the Virginia Street wall, reason would dictate that the the issue would have been resolved in a few short days when the wall was to be torn down.
But in the instance of the Virginia Street wall, Assistant City Manager David Fernandez had a little pow wow with City Manager Jim Scholl and chose to live by the letter of the law twisted to the extreme for their bizarre rationalization defending their actions. They deviated from "reason" and chose to expend City resources to paint a wall that would be torn down. They chose to vindictively have those that painted the wall cited with misdemeanors of Criminal Mischief.
So there it is. Does Fernandez have a little conference with Scholl, send in a City crew with pressure washers, have Key West Police document the damages, and then ultimately cite those who painted this on a City sidewalk with Criminal Mischief?
Or will Fernandez conclusively prove that he was selectively enforcing City ordinances in the case of the Virginia Street wall?
Or will he do us all a favor, issue a public apology, resign, and leave Sweet Tea's alone?
School Board District 3 Added to Naked Conch Election Polls
The race for Monroe County School Board District 3 has been added to the Naked Conch Election Polls!
With the advent of Larry Murray throwing his hat in the ring for District 3 School Board against Mark Peterson we have added a new poll at the top of the page. Murray and Peterson will vie for the seat hopefully to be vacated by Duncan Mathewson.
With the advent of Larry Murray throwing his hat in the ring for District 3 School Board against Mark Peterson we have added a new poll at the top of the page. Murray and Peterson will vie for the seat hopefully to be vacated by Duncan Mathewson.
Key West City Buys $$ Quarter Million Dollars Worth of GRASS!
Clearly Someone is Smoking Something!
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 4, 2012
I hate being late to a good party, seems like you always miss something. But that is how I feel right now having recently found out that Key West just burned through a cool $236,000 placing new grass on City baseball and softball fields. That's grass. As in sod...stuff you step on. To make matters worse, expensive sod requires lots of water to protect the investment. Water is expensive, and something we are supposed to be trying to conserve. Well watered expensive grass requires frequent mowing and meticulous care.
How did I miss the fact that we were suffering from such inadequate grass? I missed the headline that read "Yet Another Ten Year Old Shortstop Tragically Loses Incisor to Bad Hop Caused by Dastardly Dandelion." No, not one sane person can even try to give me the "it's all about the children" teary eyed speech over this one. Not when we hear rhetoric at a recent City Commission meeting about trying to find creative ways to cover the over $6 Million dollars we owe to FEMA because of some other previous stooge type blunder by City leaders.
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 4, 2012
I hate being late to a good party, seems like you always miss something. But that is how I feel right now having recently found out that Key West just burned through a cool $236,000 placing new grass on City baseball and softball fields. That's grass. As in sod...stuff you step on. To make matters worse, expensive sod requires lots of water to protect the investment. Water is expensive, and something we are supposed to be trying to conserve. Well watered expensive grass requires frequent mowing and meticulous care.
How did I miss the fact that we were suffering from such inadequate grass? I missed the headline that read "Yet Another Ten Year Old Shortstop Tragically Loses Incisor to Bad Hop Caused by Dastardly Dandelion." No, not one sane person can even try to give me the "it's all about the children" teary eyed speech over this one. Not when we hear rhetoric at a recent City Commission meeting about trying to find creative ways to cover the over $6 Million dollars we owe to FEMA because of some other previous stooge type blunder by City leaders.
Naked Conch Hour Guest - Edwin "Bill" Grove Candidate for Sheriff - Friday January 6th at High Noon!
Reminder: This week's guest on the Naked Conch Hour on the KONK Broadcasting Network will be Edwin "Bill" Grove - Candidate for Monroe County Sheriff.
Tune in this Friday, January 6 at noon!
Scholl Resigns Effective in July
Key West City Manager Jim Scholl Announced This Evening That He Will Resign Effective in July.
Could pressures from Virginia Street gaff have been an inspiration?
Any chance Fernandez might offer us a TWO FOR ONE special?
We can only hope!
Could pressures from Virginia Street gaff have been an inspiration?
Any chance Fernandez might offer us a TWO FOR ONE special?
We can only hope!
Walls No Longer Needed Around Gitmo
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 2, 2012
Who could have imagined Republican Senator John McCain joining forces with President Obama to pass legislation whereby our government can now detain any American anywhere without due process?
Well I guess I could have, as I have stated before that at a national level our two party system has joined forces to usurp the power of the people and to destroy any last vestiges of our Constitution.
Of note also is the fact that Republican Senator Rand Paul, and Independent Senator Bernie Sanders (arguably the most liberal Senator) joined forces standing with the 13 Senators in opposition of this tyrannical piece of legislation.
If you have no idea of the travesty of which I write, here is a great summation from blogger Mish Shedlock!
Key West Assistant City Manager David Fernandez must be salivating!
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Jan 2, 2012
Who could have imagined Republican Senator John McCain joining forces with President Obama to pass legislation whereby our government can now detain any American anywhere without due process?
Well I guess I could have, as I have stated before that at a national level our two party system has joined forces to usurp the power of the people and to destroy any last vestiges of our Constitution.
Of note also is the fact that Republican Senator Rand Paul, and Independent Senator Bernie Sanders (arguably the most liberal Senator) joined forces standing with the 13 Senators in opposition of this tyrannical piece of legislation.
If you have no idea of the travesty of which I write, here is a great summation from blogger Mish Shedlock!
Key West Assistant City Manager David Fernandez must be salivating!
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