Put it in writing...please Mary.

      UPDATE: Per Sloan's request in comment section below, here is the entire email exchange.

Maybe I am a stickler. Maybe my expectations are unrealistic. Call me annoying...well OK many of you already do that, but that comes with the territory. I've often written, here on Naked Conch as well as in Key West the Newspaper about my pet peeve of expecting people I ask questions of, to respond in writing.

My latest frustration began after having attended a County Budget hearing in July.  In her budget overview, (See included video) Public Defender Rose Enright caught my attention by the fact that her budget was going up, while most other agencies had come in neutral or below the previous year.  Enright attributed the increase to an automatic rent increase built into her lease.

I also knew that the Public Defender's Office was increasing square footage to include more waterfront offices, and in general it was discouraging that the County pays the rent on this waterfront property when I feel it would have adequate accommodations in existing County owned facilities.

So I began a series of email exchanges with Mary Cintron, Executive Director of the Public Defender's Office to gain more insight beyond what was gleaned by the superficial questions posed by County Commissioners.

After pulling some teeth, Mary finally responded with a Word document explaining the rent situation in detail.  (Found here.)  Of note, at one point the document Mary provided states...
"In 2011, the County Attorney’s office negotiated a renewal of the lease. As of October, 2011, the landlord provided us with additional space at no increase in the rent (we are required to pay the additional electric, sewer, water, etc.)"
Hmmm, as I read that "no rent increase" part, I recalled Rose's presentation and the reasoning why her budget was up.

So, in an email on Nov 29 I asked Mary...
"Does this mean that the extra space did not cost any more in rent? If not does that mean that the Public Defender's Office saw no additional rent expenses in Key West between last year and this upcoming budget year in Key West even with the increase in square footage?"
Seems like a simple enough question.  Right?

Having not received a reply by Dec 5, I sent another email to her and Rose Enright to confirm if she had received the follow up questions.

On Dec 6, I received a voice message on my work phone at the Office of the State Attorney from Mary asking me to call her.  I also received an email stating the same.

Having been employed in all levels of government, I am very familiar with the ol' "call me," or "come see me," response from administrators when they want to discuss issues off the record.  The "call me" reply is like flying a red pennant signifying there is something someone doesn't want "on the record."  That only makes me more intent on digging.

Beyond that, I made these inquiries from my personal email, on my personal time.  That night I responded as such, articulating that I did not want to use State resources for my inquiries and also with this statement...
"As much as the phone can offer a convenience, I would not want to misquote you on anything, so I feel email is the best way for you to answer, if you are willing."
To which Mary responded the next day in a separate email thread by oddly cutting and pasting my previous message...
"Matt, I totally understand.  So just call me on my cell at 305-xxx-xxxx.
Thanks, Mary"
Uhhh, no Mary, you do not completely understand.  I see an odd discrepancy between statements from your office, and I would truly expect that there is an easy explanation.  Beyond that a response in writing is important because a written record provides the chance for you to gather your thoughts, and ensures that I don't misquote you.

I also prefer writing because most importantly it eliminates the potential for anyone to ever argue..."I never said that!"

So I wait...
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. The link to this comment was emailed to me by someone going by the handle of "concerned citizen." Although my interest is aroused somewhat, as from what is furnished it looks like Mary Cintron is playing coy, I'd like to see the actual emails, and I'd like to know the real name of "concerned citizen" and of the poster of this comment to Naked Conch, if that's a different person than "concerned citizen." And I'd like to know if Mary Cintron is Robert Cintron's wife or otherwise related to him. It helps me to know who I'm dealing with, and I have a pet peeve re people making anonymous posts to public blogs that attack or challenge another person's character, motives, activities. Thanks. Sloan Bashinsky.
