Gardi Answers Boettger: Corporat Republicans? Puhhlease!

NOTE: Matt Gardi ran
against Morgan McPherson for
the Republican nomination for
State Representative. He beat
McPherson in most of the lower
Keys precincts where both candidates
were best known, but
lost district-wide. McPherson,
whose funding came primarily
from out of district, outspent
Gardi more than ten to one, and
enjoyed unprecedented Republican
Party of Florida financial
support during the primary. As
a result, Gardi told the State and
County Republican leaders to
“stick it” and still took home 45
percent of the true Republican
vote in the District.

by Matt Gardi

I am compelled to respond
to Rick Boettger’s recent rants
against the national Republican
party. Why? Well because he
is spot on....of course. Now, I
can hear some of you saying...
what’s that, Matt? But...but,
you’re a Republican! Yes. Yes I
am, and a proud one at that.
I often agree with much
of what Rick says, and he has
my utmost respect when it
comes to being someone who
stands up to the system. I feel
he is dedicated to the cause of
informing the public about the
injustices within the machine.
But as much as I agree on his
points about the Republican
party, we do part ways on one
very fundamental component
of his argument. And while
it is only one component, it is
unfortunately so material that it
actually makes Rick a helpless
culprit in facilitating all that he
is ranting about.
Rick, seriously, do you
think that the national Democrats
are any less culpable of
the infractions that you assign
to Republicans? Now stop right
there! I don’t intend to stand toe
to toe and debate which party
is the more conspiring, which
party has more negative advertising,
which party is controlled
by wealthy elitists behind the
scenes calling the shots, which
party is facilitating more rewards
for it’s contributors, or
which party has greater heroes
or villains.
Nope, I won’t do it. Why?
Because if I do, I fall into “their”
trap, and become “their” tool.
Unfortunately that is exactly
what Rick has done. I don’t
blame him, it takes the greatest
concentration to break away
from the hypnotic influence of
the machine.
You see, Rick has fallen
prey to the left-right schism
that is created and refined by
those that truly own our government,
lock stock and barrel.
It’s a classic divide and conquer
methodology that keeps us all
busy pointing fingers at each
other, versus ransacking the
folks behind the curtain pulling
the levers and giving them one
seriously painful wedgie.
Listen, as much as anyone
might disagree, our government
is bought and paid for
by people who have no ethical
or moral compass, no concern
for right or wrong, nor even a
concern for America in general.
It’s all just a game to maintain
control, power, influence, and
the true wealth of this nation,
even in the midst of its deterioration.
They balance taking from
the producers, with distributing
to those in need solely to maintain
their respective support
base, all the while their only true
concern is who actually holds
the purse strings and doles out
the goods . . . after skimming
their take of course.
And it’s not just on the
national level; it permeates
every level of government,
right down to our municipal
commissions. It is those at the
most grassroots level that are
the most disheartening conscripts.
They put towing the line
of the State Party leaders over
the principle that their party is
supposed to represent--solely
for maintaining their positions
within the local control group
Local candidates and elected
officials fear speaking out
against the ruling kingmakers
for fear of losing party support
and financing. They, too,
become hapless tools of those
that control the system from top
to bottom.
Party officials are masters
at creating our heroes and villains
for us in order to keep us
distracted and pointing fingers.
Obama is the Democrat’s Bush.
As a Republican I could never
understand why Bush wouldn’t
reign in spending and the size of
government, and I watched us
give up our liberties in the name
of protection from terrorists.
Democrats are probably
just as puzzled as to why
Obama can’t end the wars, is
still paying Halliburton and has the same banking cartel advising
him that Bush did. Meet
the new boss, the same as the
old boss. You are delusional if
you think anything other than
As someone who considers
himself a Republican, it
doesn’t mean I have to accept
the fact my party has been coopted
by frauds at all levels.
I’m a proud Republican because
I stand for small government,
low taxation, free enterprise,
and self-sufficiency. Democrats
I know and respect articulate
a hope of a society that takes
care of those that can’t take
care of themselves. Neither
of us would argue with each
other’s intention. Between us,
the only debate is how much
do you take, and how much
do you give as a government
and a society so that production
is maintained, the needy
are served, and dependencies
are not created.
When does government
support, control and protection
become an intrusion? That’s it
in a nutshell, one spectrum, and
one healthy discussion.
But ultimately, it is our
government, and those that are
in control of it and our party
structure that dictate the discussion.
They create the demons,
heroes and issues du jour that
keep us polarized and make us
lose sight of what is truly going
on in our country.
So long as they can fight
it out at the national, state, and
local level for the money, power,
control and influence without
having “us” disrupt their little
charade, they care neither about
us, nor our country. They
control and own our media, so
an outsider pointing out their
infractions is ostracized, and
They maintain the party
structure, the legislation, the
lobby groups, the 527s and campaign
finance, and thus control
the candidates, so much so that
what we feel are our choices,
are in fact nothing more than
puppets of their design. Unless
you’re one of the few that has
the time to dig into the morass
they create to figure out who
candidates and elected officials
actually owe their allegiance to,
you cast your vote assuming
you made a difference.
When no difference appears,
you lash out at the opposition,
and their corrupt ways...
just wait till we can vote them
out next time... just wait. How
dare they assail us? Where’s my
flag, where’s my lapel pin, get
me a sign to wave! And then,
when election day comes, we
celebrate because we transposed
the mirage for a short
period of time, until it becomes
painfully apparent that we must
demand change yet again. And
again. And again.
If you consider yourself
a Republican, don’t lash out
at Democrats; create a party
you can be proud of. Create a
party that will inspire others to
participate, one that can stand
on it’s merits and ideas, a party
that does not disenfranchise a
broad spectrum of participants.
If you’re a Democrat, do the
Don’t tolerate the BS that
we all know goes on in both
parties; challenge it. If you consider
yourself a leader in your
party, whether it be as a party
official, candidate, or elected
official, realize the fight is for
what is right, not what is most
beneficial to the puppet masters
that have control of the system.
Stand up and be counted and
point your fingers at the appropriate
When the discussion is
between honest concerned
people about how much we
can tax ourselves, and how
much we can expect our government
to provide for us, and
not about how much our parties
can spend to buy an election or
denigrate an opponent, then . .
. then “we”— Democrats and
Republicans— have finally
Rick, are you with me?

Why Is Everyone Hanging Out on a Cloud?


...Or better yet, why aren’t

It’s a question everyone
is asking lately, what is all this
talk of doing business in “THE
Essentially, the concept
of “the cloud” is hosting business
services such as email,
calendaring, documents, invoicing
and bookkeeping out
on the web, and accessing these
services from any computer
in the world with internet access.
Hey, let’s face it, times are
changing. Our cell phones are
now as powerful as our desktop
computers were a mere four or
five years ago. The concept of
a small business, or government
agency hosting these
services in house is not only
outdated, but it has become
Historically, a business
or agency would build
the infamous “server rack” in
a “server room” which would
include the necessary hardware
to host all these services. Staff
with thick rimmed glasses and
pocket protectors would then
be concerned with patching
servers, worrying about equipment
failure, concerning themselves
with a reliable power
source, making data backups,
and budgeting for the life cycle
replacement of this entire mess
of hardware and wires. The
points of failure were countless,
and the downtime was inconvenient
to say the least.
But today, with the advent
of companies like Google
developing all these services in
a web based platform, small
business and government
agencies can migrate it all out
to the web, and need only concern
themselves with reliable
internet connectivity to obtain
the same if not a better system
Companies like
Google have teams of engineers,
and much more reliable
equipment to host the services,
ensuring less downtime, better
access, and greater security. As
a business, your only concern is
providing staff with convenient
access to the internet, and this
gets easier every day. Further,
with the ever increasing
methods of obtaining internet
access, reliability and accessibility
become the norm versus
the hope.
The concept is demonstrable
by looking at the advent
of online banking. Most of us
can remember the time consuming
effort of writing checks,
licking envelopes, and incurring
the expense of postage.
Yet now, all this can be done for
free in a fraction of the time by
using online banking available
at almost every bank.
One local administrator
who has taken advantage of
the concept is State Attorney
Dennis Ward. Ward turned to
local consultant Matt Gardi, of
ViaVende Technical Consulting
to bring his email and calendaring
system into the twenty first
“I parallel the difference
to snail mail versus email,” said
Gardi. “At the State Attorney’s
Office, by deploying Google
Apps, we were able to migrate
their email and calendaring
systems to the cloud, increasing
functionality, accessibility,
security, and reliability all at
a fraction of the cost of what
Microsoft was providing.”
Aside from the direct
cost advantage of licensing
fees, Gardi sees tangential
cost savings by leveraging the
systems in the cloud. “I give a
lot of credit to forward thinking
administrators who are
able to look past the hurdle of
systems migration, towards
the benefits achievable down
the road.”
Gardi also credits
Public Defender Rose Enright,
who with his assistance
last year migrated their case
management system to a web
based platform. “For instance,
being in the cloud would allow
for an attorney to access case
information, create a motion,
share it with her legal assistant,
and update a co-councel’s calendar
to reflect a change in a
hearing date, all from a mobile
device while she’s waiting for
the bus.”
When asked what other
agencies he believes could benefit
from the cloud, Gardi said,
“Well, I could argue almost any
business or government entity
would realize cost savings and
increased functionality, but seeing
as Google Apps provides
many of these services free to
educational institutions, what
comes to my mind immediately
is the Monroe County School