Kinneer Tells Former Employee Recovering from Cancer to Take a Hike

Employee Who Left School District Due to Cancer Given Run Around Upon Reapplying
Kinneer Makes Up Excuse, District then Backtracks on Reason

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 28, 2012

Former Monroe County School District Employee Rose Guieb, who was forced to resign from her IT position with the District when she was refused leave without pay as a result of her battle with and recovery from cancer was recently excluded from the applicant pool by Chief Operating Officer Michael "Give me my furlough pay!" Kinneer.

In an email response to Guieb explaining the action, Kinneer states;

After comparing your qualifications with others who applied, we have decided to concentrate our efforts on other applicants at this time.

Guieb, who continued her professional development while recovering, including completing a Bachelor's Degree along with other technical certifications, challenged Kinneer to provide examples of what she may have been lacking in comparison to the other candidates.  Director of Human Resources Cheryl Allen then changed the rejection reasoning and replied;

The review committee reduced the grouped interviewed to those that had been actively working in the field for the last couple of years.

Well isn't that just peachy?  I guess if you have cancer and can't actually be "working in the field" MCSD doesn't want to consider you for employment.  Someone needs to be reminded that that is just straight out and blatant discrimination against someone who is disabled.

Guieb, appropriately reminded Allen, "Crybaby" Kinneer and the School Board that the only reason that she left the District was because she was denied additional leave while recovering from a stem cell transplant, and that while recovering she had improved her resume substantially.  Guieb's final work evaluation contained nothing but Good and Commendable responses.  Guieb's leave denial and performance review are available here.

Folks, we talk about morale in our schools, and here is a shining example of how employees are treated by Administration.  Don't think other employees are not cognizant of this type of "appreciation of a job well done."  I'm not saying Guieb should be guaranteed a job, but she should be shown professional courtesy and not lied to.

Guieb developed cancer while in the employ of the MCSD, and courageously fought the infliction.  She was denied leave without pay and was forced to resign by MCSD while recovering.  She now applies only under the assumption that she will be treated equally, and not be given a myriad of excuses as to why she isn't even being considered.  One wonders what the true motivation behind MCSD's obstruction truly is....a public record request is pending....I can't wait to see how much they'll want to charge to get down to the bottom of this one.  Regardless, our esteemed School Board members should be turning HR and Kinneer's Office upside down for a better explanation.


  1. Great article. It is about time someone has addressed all that Rose has gone through. Best of Luck to you Rose in the future. Better things await you.

  2. It's a shame they don't want employees that will work for their money, makes you feel sorry for some of the other employees! Sounds like they have something to hide.

  3. i don't know the man but i seen his demand and sure hope he leaves aug 1 and good ridance. i pay taxes for this fiasco of a coo. and my son is 40 and attended private academys so i am paying for other peoples children and this bozo at $125000 + grand. system sure sucks in my opinion. don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out kinneer! bah!

  4. After reading today's blog I feel the need to relate a story to you. In 2009 a 23 year veteran deputy of MCSO was forced to retire from the sheriffs office because of his cancer not only that but was not allowed to transfer to communications after taking the written test and almost acing it.
    Also in 2009 a 14 year deputy in islamorada developed cancer (lung) and after receiving treatment attempted to return to work. He was told there were no available positions and forced to take a job at the Key West airport. This job paid ten thousand less than his previous position and being a single father of two teenage girls he took the position. Despite the 2.5 hour commute each way for him. He also was made to take a physical agility test that road patrol deputies do not have to take, he did. He continued to apply for open positions in the upper keys and was not selected being passed over by deputies with much less experience than him. The final straw was the position he had worked in before his cancer opened up and he was told he would have to go to an oral board interview against employees with no road patrol experience and reserve deputies who were not employees. Side note the community in islamorada during his chemo held a fund raiser to help with his treatment. He was again not selected for the position he held for 14 years. This deputy of 14 years before his illness pass away in early 2012.
    > Another side note is a Lt with the sheriffs office who has been a personal friend of Colonel Ramsay for over 25 years around the same time had a brain tumor. She had surgery and almost immediately returned to work, during her recovery she was not allowed to carry a weapon or drive a car. However she was allowed to continue to work as a law
    > Enforcement officer. During the time she was not carrying a weapon or drive she was the highest ranking MCSO officer on the scene of the shooting of a federal fugitive in Marathon. The incident several federal agents and two deputies from MCSO opened fire on a wanted fugitive who exited his camper hiding an AK 47. During this incident the Lt was unarmed being driven in a county vehicle by a civilian employee of the MCSO. The Lt still recovering failed to notify the on duty deputies in marathon or dispatch that she and the federal agents were in the area or that the suspect was in the area until they found the suspects camper.
    > My point is under the current leadership of the MCSO employees are not treated equally and how the agency treats you is based on if you are friends with the current leadership. In fact the current leadership of the MCSO has little regard for the safety of the public and are in fact motivated by taking care of their friends first.

  5. We ALL know how corrupt MCSD is but this is an absolute shame and Rose, I hope and pray every day you get everything you have fought long and hard for. You are far more successful than half the ones working in the IT field! Keep your head up good things will come your way!
