Sheriff's Deputy Bought iPhones from Druckemiller Too

Does Not Come Forward Until Identified in AT&T Subpoena

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  October 28, 2012
iNteresting iNconvenient iSsue iDentified iN iPadgate

As the Monroe County dog and pony show of personnel hearings progress, centered around the FIVE County employees in addition to County Administrator Roman Gestesi, a few small inconvenient truths have systematically been filtered out of public awareness.  It all centers around one very special "Footnote 16" of the eloquently composed Grand Jury Report prepared by Assistant State Attorney Mark Wilson.

KWPD Releases Additional Information on Zuelch Accident

I strive to be accurate.  In fact, some have suggested I am dishonest here on my blog.  Yet when I challenge them to find ONE instance of my being dishonest, or even inaccurate, all they can resort to is calling me names.  Essentially they just don't like the facts about which I chose to write.  You might notice historically I prefer to quote from emailed responses, and as often as possible link to supporting documents.

And I'm sorry if so many taxpayer funded media and public relations people don't appreciate me trying to pry public records from their resistant hands, but perhaps if their first concern was transparency versus public relations, it wouldn't prove so painful.

To that end, Alyson Crean of KWPD has released additional documents pertaining to Deputy Zuelch's accident.  To be quite clear I asked for "any reports" and Alyson Crean provided to me what she termed the "final report."  She now has released additional information.  Unfortunately, what she released contained some items that I know should have been redacted, and in an abundance of caution I will not provide them here.

UPDATE:  Full Report Now Available Here

But I will discuss those details released:

First, Zuelch unlocked her phone and let the investigators review the call and text history, and additionally provided a call log that illustrated she was not on her phone or texting at the time of the accident.

Additionally one witness stated "Shocked, I too did not really notice him until he was struck, all was accident."  Another fourteen year old witness said, "Person stepped out of trees. He walked out into street.  The Officer slammed on the brakes and tried to stop."

KWPD also immediately secured the in-car video and worked with MCSO IT to download an unaltered copy.

Also though, Zuelch lawyered up, and made no statements, referring investigators to her attorney.  I completely understand that in today's world.

While KWPD made extenuating effort to obtain the BAC of the guy that was hit including trying to obtain a subpoena through the State Attorney's Office, from what I can see they made no effort to obtain Zuelch's BAC, even a voluntary request.

The report also states;

"No brake shadow present before area of impact"
"area of impact to brake shadow 55' 10"
"area of impact to crosswalk 34'00" "

This tells me that while the pedestrian was 34 feet in front of a crosswalk, that Deputy Zuelch hit the pedestrian and continued through the crosswalk and beyond for 21' until she applied her brakes.

I give all the benefit of the doubt in this case to Zuelch, even though it took her approximately 1.5 seconds to hit her brakes.

But still I can hear some of you out there that aren't enamored with Naked Conch saying... "So Gardi, why don't you keep your big mouth shut until you have all the facts?"

That's my point exactly.  First, I still don't have all the facts.  I don't know conclusively if Deputy Zuelch was under the influence of  any substance.  That could have been resolved by KWPD requesting a test.  If Zuelch wants to lawyer up, fine.  But not seeing someone very close to a crosswalk, and not braking for 55 feet after hitting them to me is probable cause for a toxicology test.  Let her lawyer, the State Attorney and/or a Judge decide later that it isn't.  But I have spoken to other Law Enforcement Officers that have said they would volunteer one immediately in the interest of clearing their name.

More importantly, MCSO could have exercised their existing personnel policy and taken a test and put any such doubt to bed, but they chose not to.  Again, that's my point.   This isn't about Zuelch, or this tragic accident, but it's about the decisions that are made by Agency Admin in these instances that give the appearance of preferential treatment and ultimately create doubt.  There is no need for anyone to have such doubt, at all.

Also, while not texting, how do we know she wasn't distracted by something else like a laptop in her car?  We don't, as far as what I can see at this point.  How do we ever correct what might be job related expectations that distract Law Enforcement Personnel if the choice of administrators is to sweep things like this under the rug to avoid public criticism, versus addressing it head on.  Colonel Ramsay went so far as to make adjustments in policy after Deputy Powers was killed in an accident, but chose not to use existing policy to conduct a toxicology test on Zuelch or Deputy Ward after they were involved in accidents resulting in fatalities.  There is no excuse for that.  If they want to work for MCSO, they know the drill, make the tests mandatory as Tom Peteck would do.  Not doing so allows for, or creates the impression of favoritism....and a public that feels like there is a double standard.

Further, I didn't have ALL the facts because of the way media relations personnel circle the wagons.  Sorry, I'm not your average Keys reporter influenced by advertising in my paper.  I'm sorry I don't want to just regurgitate agency press releases and that I want to understand and convey the full extent of what has happened.  The idea is to keep the public informed and promote improvements.  Those responsible for interacting with the press need to accept that there is a vast and viable spectrum of alternative sources from which the public glean their news from, and need to be as transparent as possible in all cases.


No Charges or Citation for Deputy Zuelch...No Surprise.

KWPD Investigation of Deputy Zuelch Released....Nothing to see here folks...move along.

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  October 24, 2012
UPDATE 10/25/12: - KWPD releases additional documents.  To be quite clear I asked for "any reports" and Alyson Crean provided to me what she termed the "final report."  She now has released additional information.  Unfortunately, what she released contained some items that I know should have been redacted, and in an abundance of caution I will not provide them here.  However, for further detail and discussion of what was additionally released please see here. 

After taking the full 60 day maximum time allotted to complete a very detailed (Two paragraph narrative) investigation, KWPD released the "final" report of the unfortunate accident in which Deputy Zuelch was involved in back in August. (When she struck a pedestrian with her patrol car in Key West.)

I want to stress that I am VERY pro law enforcement.  But when the public is given the impression that there is any preferential treatment given to a law enforcement officer, the reputation of ALL law enforcement is diminished and compromised.  For that reason alone, law enforcement officers should be held to at least the same standard you or I would be.  This is not a "circle the wagons" event, this is a "do above the right thing" event.  Do I think Deputy Zuelch was DUI?  No.  But can we be sure?  No, only because of the way this was handled.  There is no reason for the public to have any doubt about whether she was DUI or distracted by texting, but unfortunately...we are unsure.

How comprehensive is this investigation?

No request for a toxicology test from Zuelch.

Peteck Will Make MCSO Tox Tests Mandatory for Serious Accidents

Colonel Ramsay Fails... to Reply

Actions Speak Louder than Words
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  October 20, 2012

Candidate for Sheriff Tom Peteck will insist that MCSO staff are subjected to toxicology tests if they are involved in an accident resulting in a fatality, or a potential fatality.  Tests are already allowed through current policy, however it appears they are not universally administered.

Colonel Ramsay declined to comment leaving us with only his past performance to go on.

Even Fascist Central Bankers Have a Sense of Humor

If you haven't already seen it....tell me that is not intentional, insulting, and in your face. That's what you get when they know the majority of Americans are more concerned with who is on "Dancing with the Stars."

Craig Cates Believes in Cash Crapin' Unicorns

Federal and State Money for Channel Widening Study Doesn't Cost the Taxpayer Nuttin' Honey

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  October 7, 2012

Recent public debate regarding the costly study to widen the harbor channel leading into Key West has stirred up many lines of reasoning.  Barely visible in the proponents' silty cloud of verbal discharge was this turd articulated by Key West Mayor Craig Cates.  (Someone should inspect the lock on his Y valve.)

According to an article in the Citizen (See  Here),  Cates stated, "I am in favor of doing the study if it doesn't cost the taxpayers any money," and "I don't see a down side if it doesn't cost us anything."

Vogel's Rhetoric Slowly Sliding Down Slippery Slope

Ohh-Oh!  Here it Comes.
The Real Return of our Suspender Superhero

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  October 1, 2012
We've heard all the rumors, and all the chatter and intonations...Vogel and Kohl are in cahoots.  We were charmed by the first debate between the post primary State Attorney candidates (AKA Love Fest - See Here)  Write-ups in the local media echo the common theme of how they adore each other's ethics, and will never speak negatively of each other.  But Vogel denied a pre-arranged deal, right?

Naked Conch Truth in Campaigning Award!

Candidate for Sheriff Rick Ramsay

Thanks to a an anonymous comment in a previous post about Candidate for Sheriff Rick Ramsay's discipline record including an action for leaving his weapon in an unattended vehicle with the window open. (See Here)  It was illustrated that Candidate Ramsay has stated previously at a forum that he has an unblemished record.  Ooops on the HONESTY thingy, Colonel.  Gives one pause, and makes one wonder...what else..what else?


Deputy Fricke Not Alone in Leaving Weapons in Patrol Car

Ramsay Has Also Left His Weapon in a Vehicle

Not just unattended... but in plain view...
....with the window open!
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 29, 2012
While the MCSO and the community as a whole has been stirred up recently after the break-in and theft of weapons and SWAT gear from a Sergeant's MCSO patrol car, (See Here) it has come to our attention that Second in Command at the MCSO, and candidate for Sheriff, Rick Ramsay has made a similar blunder in the past as well.

We obtained this MCSO Internal Review Record of Colonel Ramsay from a former Sheriff's candidate that wished to remain anonymous named Bill.  Or Ed, or Edwin or something...

Evaluating Teachers - It's Not Rocket Science...Right?

Think Again - Welcome to the VAM Performance Formula 

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 23, 2012

I'm all for accountability.  I also believe there are ways to evaluate almost anyone's performance.  But in the development of a teacher evaluation formula, the wizards at the State Department of Education have illustrated without a doubt why it is critical that they themselves need to be evaluated.  Psychologically evaluated.  They are straight out certifiable.  I'm not exactly sure if we can Baker Act an entire State Department, but I think it is time to try.

It might prove easier than trying to understand the formula they came up with to evaluate teacher performance.

Guest Post: Hire Higher

Why not, it's not the School Board's money?

- Naked Conch - Posted by Larry Murray - September 18, 2012
Editor's Note:  Larry Murray nails this one home.  Hey, It's great we're not hiring entrenched Bubbas at the School District, but do we really need to pay hay day wages to a new employee without testing the market with more reasonable compensation.  Also, Larry is as brevity challenged as yours truly, but hey, we're not paying for print media and killing trees, so think of it as saving natural resources!

The School District has hired a new Purchasing Agent.  That, indeed, is good news as the position has been vacant for several months.
          Not only has the District hired a new Purchasing Agent, it has hired an experienced one, taking someone previously with the Sheriff’s Department.  There will be no need for training, no learning curve to get up to speed.  Coming from the Sheriff’s Department, the new hire arrives with both general experience and a knowledge of governmental purchasing, a decided asset.  I look forward to good things coming in the purchasing area.

Return of the Suspenders - State Attorney Forum

It's a HORROR Film, and a LOVE Story

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 16, 2012

Bringing new meaning to the term "Slug" fest, Mark Kohl returns to the debate circuit to take on his former Chief Assistant State Attorney Catherine Vogel.  Wearing his trademark suspenders, Kohl tangles with Vogel in the manner expected of two life long government employees excited about the prospect of getting back on the government tit.

Both candidates in the love fest were beaming with confidence that their long unsuccessful forays into the private sector would soon be over, and oddly we imagine that they BOTH are correct.  Please participate in the comments and polls below the video.

Peteck and Ramsay - Head to Head

First Sheriff's Forum of the General Election
Hosted by the Lodging Association at the Westin in Key West

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 15, 2012
Please note: This was a combined forum with the candidates for State Attorney, however we edited the State Attorney candidate responses out and will provide them in another video and blog post.

Also, clearly I should have provided videographer Bill Grove with a tripod along with a camera, as he seemed challenged to overcome some "stability" issues.  But hey, we thank him none the less for taking the time to videotape this event.  Enjoy, and as always, please feel free to leave comments and take the poll below the video.

Ward Turns Right, Joins GOP

State Attorney Dennis Ward Registers as a Republican
What's he got cookin'?

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 10, 2012
After his recent defeat in his attempt to win re-election, State Attorney Dennis Ward has dumped the party that dumped him in the August 14th primary.

Ward acknowledged today that he has left the Democratic Party and registered with the Grand Old Party.   Further, he wants to be involved and says he is looking forward to attending tomorrow night's meeting of the Southernmost Republicans....not that he hadn't amassed GOP club frequent flyer miles anyway.

Broom Boy Bridges' Backtracking Betrayal

Commissioner Jack Bridges Shows his True Custodial Qualities
...Big Difference from Big Talking Candidate Bridges

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 9, 2012

For those of you who may not remember the election of 2010, or may not want to remember, allow me to take you on a short trip down memory lane.

During the campaign, Mosquito Control Commission "candidate" Jack Bridges could not be found without his trusty broom in hand, a symbol he claimed that represented  (According to the Citizen - See Here) "his plan to sweep away the "arrogance" and "big spending."

Now we find that as an elected Commissioner, "Broom Boy" Bridges is doing a 180 on us.

Linda Gottwald Speaks About the Record of SUFA

...and the Treatment SUFA Received From an "Appreciative" County

EDITOR'S NOTE:  During my recent campaign for Clerk, I had the pleasure to get to know Linda Gottwald of SUFA, as the issue was one that had come up at numerous forums.  Linda was persecuted by an out of control abusive County Administration with ulterior motivation, and the public was only privy to the information those same administrators disseminated to the press.  As a result, our County is exposed once again to legal action, and justifiably so.  Until the cronies at the top are held accountable, we will continue to reward the best performers with this same "appreciative" treatment.  Below is one exchange Linda and I enjoyed.

From Linda; 

When SUFA assumed the contract, we re-opened the Big Pine shelter ( a relatively new structure that had been sitting empty and unused for years).  We also started a low cost spay/neuter clinic, especially for the feral cats of the middle keys.  (the same cats  the feds are spending thousands of dollars with useless studies and forums on - with their budget, we could have had the population completely sterilized by now)

SUFA opened both shelters on weekends, doubled the hours the Marathon shelter was open and held annual animal law seminars for the state attorney, MCSO, and anyone who was interested. We hosted the annual Animal Hero banquets.  We started the PAL program for troubled kids so that they could work with animals, promoted the anti-chaining law for Monroe County.  We had the highest adoption rate and lowest euthanasia rate in the County and spent thousands of dollars building a cage-free enclosures for the cats and fences so dogs could go outside.  All on our own initiative and nickel, using donated funds.

GUEST POST: Sweeping Gentile Under the Rug

Performance Outweighs Being Held Accountable

- Naked Conch - Posted by Larry Murray - September 2, 2012
I was disappointed, though not surprised, to read the report here on Naked Conch that Andy Griffiths is waffling on the issue of Ken Gentile and his fraudulent claim to be a Florida licensed CPA.  Courage of one's convictions is not a commonplace amongst politicians and Griffiths is no exception.

Three months have passed since I raised the issue of Ken Gentile and his fraudulent claim on his application that he was a Florida licensed CPA and his continued use of "CPA" with his signature on numerous documents. Purportedly, the School Board had its attorney, Dirk Smits, conduct an investigation well over a month ago.  That there was an internal investigation has never been confirmed and certainly no report has been publicly presented to the School Board.

Citizen Fires off a Neuron in Mortgage Title Issue

DeSantis Covers Confusing Title of ONE Property

70% of Remaining Monroe County Titles Remain Unscathed by Citizen Coverage

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 1, 2012
Did a light bulb go on at the Key West Citizen?  Seemingly so, as John DeSantis penned a piece in this Sunday's edition of the Key West Citizen titled "Confusing mortgage ownerships, big problem."

While this latest effort at journalism by our esteemed daily is a positive event, the article barely even scratches the surface of the scale of the crisis.  DeSantis concentrates on the ownership issues of one property that was recently in the limelight for huge code enforcement fines.  He fails to address the fact that the issue he highlighted actually affects close to 70% of all title records in Monroe County.  This is the single most important issue that affects each and every one of us in a tangible and painful way.

"Gentile, CPA" Remains Under the Radar

Griffiths Refuses to Answer if Crime Occurred
...and Vogel Won't Politicize Politics?

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 1, 2012

As the dust settles from the recent election results, many throughout the community are beginning to ask questions about a few select items that may have slipped through the cracks of public attention.  One such subject is our good friend Ken Gentile, School District Chief of Staff.  You remember Gentile, the CPA, right?

Key West Recycles...Gardi's Three Year Old Observation

Working At the Speed (and Expense) of Government

Key West Wastes $379,000, and 3 1/2 Years to Address the Obvious
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 30, 2012

Folks, I'm not really an "I told you so" type of guy. ;)  OK, OK, yes, I am and this one takes the cake.  Our esteemed daily, the Citizen is heaping accolades upon the Key West City Commission today for their epiphany about recycling.  (See Here)  Give me a break.

Three and a half years ago I penned a piece on the front page of Key West the Newspaper about this obvious problem.  (See Here) Yes, that was February 13, 2009 within which I stated the following about Waste Management;
...they get paid per ton of trash they haul, and they incur additional costs if they actually collect the recyclable material.  Their incentive is to haul trash, and enjoy a low recycling rate regardless of whatever pretty PR they push…and it all gets back to their contract with the City.

FCAT Follies Exposed by Insightful High School Students

Education Revolution, Scores Big
Florida Board of Education Continues to Fail to Make the Grade

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 28, 2012

This latest winner was sent to me from Rick Roach, the School Board member from Orange County that had the fortitude to take "and fail" the FCAT (See Here.)  and says it is all about holding people accountable.  Somehow students are held accountable, as are teachers.... but the failures at the State level that can't get the quarter billion dollar boondoggle known as the FCAT together somehow escape scrutiny from the main stream media.

Fortunately, we have talented students that have a grasp on the issues (and should be running the State Board of Education) that can articulate the failure that is the FCAT, and in turn the Florida Board of Education.  Education Revolution gets a passing grade from Naked Conch with their latest production!  Enjoy!

Lack of Local Reporting is the Leading Cause of Apathy

Happy Go Lucky Coverage Lulls Public to Sleep

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 27, 2012

In a recent editorial, the Key West Citizen reviewed the most recent election results and pondered rhetorically...
Do these results indicate that the electorate disagrees with the prosecution of the former superintendent or the board's subsequent actions? Maybe, maybe not. With only 30 percent of eligible voters casting a ballot, it certainly doesn't indicate a mandate, but is certainly cause for pause.
The battle between laughing and crying I experienced as a result of the Citizen's thought provoking editorial was painful.  Maybe if our local daily newspaper actually served up a healthy dish of actual reporting the Keys might have a better informed electorate, and voters might be inspired to show up at the polls.  But when coverage is limited to the latest finger pointing, lacks any detail whatsoever, and is rife with inaccuracies and omissions, it's no wonder the voting public is lulled into apathy.

Grand Jury iPad Report Released

Naked Conch Makes Full Report Available

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 23, 2012

After months of speculation, the scandal that broke in late February of this year reaches it's crescendo.  In this post election release, names are named and recommendations made.  Is Naked Conch vindicated in it's long standing suggestion that the County has no accountability when tracking assets? (Enjoy video here.)  Does the report uncover the gory details of the Clerk's mismanagement and cover up of such?  (Refresh your memory here.)   Or is it much ado about nothing?   You decide...take the poll below the report.

Gardi Comes Clean on Name Change

Y an I, Gardi?  What are you hiding?

With Nothing to Lose...I'll Come Clean!
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 19, 2012

I found it amusing that what seemed to get the most attention from the public during my recent campaign for County Clerk was the fact I changed my name in 2005, from Gardy to Gardi.  As I explained to Gwen Filosa during an interview on the subject only a week before the election, my wife and I changed the spelling because we both preferred the true Italian spelling and we wanted to honor our Italian heritage.  My family had Americanized the name in the early 1900s after having immigrated to the States. Simeone became Simon, Saveria became Sarah, Maria became Mary, Vittorio became Victor, and yes, Gardi became Gardy.  Filosa's article ran five days before the election and can be found here.

Clearly the results of the election would indicate it didn't have an effect on the outcome, but what is most interesting is the number of people, including close friends who have made an issue out of it, insinuating that there is some deep, dark and sinister reason behind the name change.  I attribute that to Filosa's success at writing the article to create that impression, as she conveniently left out a few critical components of the story.  But admittedly, Filosa didn't know everything.

So to that end, I will now come clean and expose the full detail of how Gardy went back to Gardi...and let the chips fall where they may.

SUFA Challenges Madok to be Honest

Linda Gottwald Corrects Misinformation Presented by Clerk of Courts Candidate Kevin Madok

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 12, 2012
After having reviewed the latest Clerk of Courts forum put on by the Marathon Chamber of Commerse, Linda Gottwald of Stand Up For Animals took exception with facts presented by Candidate Kevin Madok. She recently sent this letter to numerous news agencies in response.
During the Aug. 6 Election 2012 Candidate Forum, Clerk of the Court candidate Kevin Madok stated that "law enforcement agencies had to be brought in to help with the subpoenas and records requests" during the clerk's audit of Monroe County's animal shelter contractor, SUFA.  This is untrue. We challenge him to name a single requested document that would support this statement.

Mr. Madok is either misinformed, dishonest or blindly obedient to his superiors.  None of these characteristics will serve Monroe County well.

Key West Citizen Finally Draws Attention to Foreclosure Fraud

Gwen Filosa Picks Up Story as an Aside to Campaign for Clerk

As if I was trying to hide it....sneaky old me, keeping that dirt secret by writing about it in a Newspaper!
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardy Gardi -  August 9, 2012 (Oooohh, a secret name change too!)
It was great to see the Citizen finally address the foreclosure fraud that is going on in our County, and throughout our Country.  Although as is typical, there were a few inaccuracies, but that's to be expected.  As someone who has tried desperately to draw any and all attention about the issue to the public forefront, including writing a six part series in Key West the Newspaper, it is good to see the issue brought to the public's attention....finally.  For those interested in the series it is compiled conveniently here.

Madok Pulls a Gentile - Claims to be CPA When Applying to Clerk's Office

Does it Again in 2010 in Application to Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District....ahh, no biggie.

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 8, 2012

Kevin Madok, candidate for Clerk of Courts (and my opponent), used the title CPA next to his name, and listed under licenses, "CPA - State of California," when applying to the Clerk's Office in 2004.  Only problem is, he wasn't a CPA.  According to California he only was a CPA from 1988 - 1990, and his license is canceled.

Madok used the same title again in 2010 when he applied to the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District, where the field was narrowed to himself and Sal Zappulla.  Zappulla got the job.

"Just Enough to Get By" Attitude of Local Government Needs to Change

Clerk Enters Discussion of Access to Online Records

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 4, 2012
What do you call the person who graduates last in Med School?
That is the attitude that permeates so many of our local government officials.  If it is not an obligation, or requirement, why do it?  Let's do just enough to get by.  I say we can do better.

Recently Clerk Danny Kolhage entered the fray of the debates between Clerk of Courts candidates because he wanted to correct the “level of misinformation” circulating.  I thank Mr. Kolhage for offering his perspective.

Key West Chamber's Clerk of Courts Forum

One of the Better Forums... Good Format, Great Questions!

Although some answers leave a little to be desired!
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  August 5, 2012
Thanks to the Key West Chamber of Commerce, and the Monroe County Bar Association for hosting such an informative Clerk Forum.  While there have been many, this one seemed to cut to the chase and gives a clear comparison of your choices for Clerk of Court.  Enjoy.

Guest Post: Red Flag Raised with Campaign Donations

Candidate for Sheriff Bill Grove Takes a Look at Specific Donations to the Ramsay Campaign

- Naked Conch - Posted by Bill Grove -  Aug 2, 2012

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Rick Ramsay recently offered an explanation of such donations at a candidate's forum held by the Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce.  The video is available here.  Ramsay's comments regarding donations begin approximately 15:00 into the video.

Rick Ramsay's campaign has taken contributions from many corporations including thousands of dollars from companies with current and pending contracts with the sheriffs office. While it may not be illegal these contributions raise some interesting questions.  The most glaring example is a South Florida company who currently has the 2 million dollar a year medical services contract for the jail. This company has a reputation of having significant political contacts and many news stories across Florida about inappropriate influence over sheriffs. The company who had the contract until 2010 also has contributed the maximum to Ramsay.  Both of these companies contributed the maximum amount and several executives also contributed the maximum along with sister companies of both.  Interesting is the fact that the contract is up for bid in 2013.

Kinneer Tells Former Employee Recovering from Cancer to Take a Hike

Employee Who Left School District Due to Cancer Given Run Around Upon Reapplying
Kinneer Makes Up Excuse, District then Backtracks on Reason

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 28, 2012

Former Monroe County School District Employee Rose Guieb, who was forced to resign from her IT position with the District when she was refused leave without pay as a result of her battle with and recovery from cancer was recently excluded from the applicant pool by Chief Operating Officer Michael "Give me my furlough pay!" Kinneer.

Does MCSO Admin Give Preferential Treatment to Deputies to Avoid Bad Press?


A few weeks ago I wrote about the odd circumstances involving Candidate for Sheriff Matt Koval being disciplined for letting a Deputy under his command drive intoxicated.  I discussed the possibility of the discipline being accentuated as a result of his becoming a candidate for Sheriff. Although the other question raised was why wasn’t the Drunk Deputy Donald Dalton given a DUI?   Did the MCSO give a pass to a Deputy they would not have normally given to the general public.

Since then, Bill Grove, another candidate for Sheriff provided us with this;

In 2009 a road patrol deputy Gustavo Helago was terminated from the MCSO.  Helago was the subject of Division Action Form investigation 2009-059 and terminated.  The summary ... Helago was a detective in sector 7. MCSO received several complaints about Helago including a reckless driver BOLO for him in his unmarked county car.  He was stopped by FHP in the county vehicle.  The result of this was a voluntary drug rehab. Upon Helagos return he was assigned to road patrol.  Shortly after his return the incident which resulted in the Division Action Form and his termination occurred in Key Largo.  Basically Helago exhibiting slurred speech over the MCSO radio,  he was not responding to supervisors calling him on the radio and eventually found and believed to be under the influence of an unknown substance in his county patrol car at at approx the 106 mm.  He was terminated.   Again no charges filed.  This can be verified by his personal file and DAF 2009-059.”

So would you think it imperative if a Deputy was involved in a serious crash to determine  whether they were impaired?  I mean, clearly it isn’t unheard of now, is it?  We just illustrated two instances.  Or is it more important to protect the image of the MCSO, versus treat a Deputy as equally as we would be treated?

As tragic as this event was, let us recall the incident where Deputy Ward rear-ended an electric car on Boca Chica bridge killing the driver.  Yes, we all know the electric car should not have been out on the highway, and as the story goes, Deputy Ward was preoccupied with his laptop.  However, wouldn’t you think either FHP, or MCSO would want to confirm there was no chance Ward was potentially intoxicated in a fatal accident.

After the crash an investigation was conducted by Florida Highway Patrol Corporal D. A. Hanson.  It had always been my belief that in any traffic accident that resulted in a potential fatality that it was mandatory that a blood sample would be taken.  I was mistaken.  I obtained the Traffic Homicide Investigation Policy Manual from FHP.  

Section 1.01.06 C 1 states "every driver involved will be evaluated for impairment."

In an effort to establish probable cause...

Section C 3 states "Investigators should speak with all public service personnel present at the crash scene (i.e. EMS personnel, fire department, or law enforcement personnel). Investigators should ask about their observations of alcohol or drug impairment by drivers or occupants.

According to the report;
Corporal Hanson arrived on the scene approximately 42 minutes after the crash.
Corporal Hanson arrived and spoke with Sergeant Robert Graf.
Corporal Hanson refers to the electric vehicle as a "golf cart."
Corporal Hanson did not document speaking with any EMT personnel or other responders but did take the time to make measurements.
Corporal Hanson did not document conducting field sobriety exercises.
Corporal Hanson inspected Ward's vehicle at MCSO to ascertain damage.

According to the report, Hanson then, almost five hours after the crash, and four hours after he began his investigation, at 12:15 pm held a recorded interview with Deputy Ward. He stated that while conducting the investigation he did not notice the odor of alcohol, or impairment.  He requested a voluntary blood sample, to which Ward agreed to at first, but a few minutes later decided not to provide.

I asked Becky Herrin of the MCSO “is there any MCSO policy regarding drug or alcohol testing, especially after an accident?”

Herrin replied:

“We generally have FHP work our accidents, at least the serious ones, so it would be the call of the investigating officer.”

Corporal Hanson issued Deputy Ward with a Uniform Traffic Citation for a non criminal traffic violation of Careless driving causing a death.

Judge David Audlin dismissed the ticket because there were no witnesses and the video was not entered as evidence.

County Commission - No One is Watching the Asylum

Comical Case of "Who's On First?" Illustrates Clerk Gastesi Commission No One is Responsible for County Property
Kiss Your Assets Goodbye

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 23, 2012
On the day when the headlines screamed of Lisa Druckemiller's indictment, you would think that the County Commission would err on the side of caution when presented with the prospect of missing property.

Kevin Madok Flip Flop Found

First Naked Conch Flip Flop Award
Adding to US Heat Wave, Madok Goes Full on 180 Degrees

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 19, 2012

Integrity. Say one thing, mean another? Does it depend on the audience one is speaking to?
Well folks, we have had so much hot air blowing around this campaign season that I thought it time to start holding people accountable for what they say and to whom.

Was MCSO Public Website Used for Campaign?

Large Campaign Photo Appears in MCSO Internal Newspaper Available on MCSO Public Website

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 14, 2012

One could say I was splitting hairs on this one, and in fact I had previously not thought it worthy of a post.  However, as Kay Thacker implied yesterday in her guest post, perhaps the long arm of the law is being used as a strong arm of the Sheriff's campaign.  Add that to the recent MCSO Koval disciplinary conspiracy, and the public records shenanigans Bill Grove experienced in exposing wasteful MCSO spending, and one feels fairly justified in holding the department under a public microscope during this campaign season.

Guest Post: Questionable Campaign Tactics In Sheriff's Race

Should deputies of Monroe County Sheriff’s department wearing their uniforms and on duty… be campaigning for their candidate with citizens of Monroe County? 

- Naked Conch - Posted by Kay Thacker -  July 13, 2012

An officer was overheard discussing their candidate while on duty, in his uniform at a
local business. Putting up campaign signs with permission of property owners, I was
personally contacted by business owner to come and remove the sign because an
officer of the MCSO had requested the owner to have it removed.

State Attorney Debates - Round 3!

Hosted by Hometown PAC - July 9

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 11, 2012

The three videos below are from the most recent State Attorney debate hosted by Hometown PAC on July 9 in Key West.  Please feel free to leave a comment below.

Clerk of Courts Debate - Hometown PAC July 9

Amy Heavilin Dodges her SECOND Debate....nice signs on the highway though!

Citizen has no coverage whatsoever...they should be just as ashamed.

Thank Goodness for Naked Conch!

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 10, 2012

Hometown PAC held their first in depth political forum last night at the Conch Flyer in Key West. Hometown had a moderator panel ranging from an award winning journalist to local business and community leaders. Hometown PAC does a great job helping to create an informed electorate.

Sheriff Candidates Square Off

Video of First Serious Sheriff's Debate Held by Tavernier Community Association

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 7, 2012

A room full of Upper Keys residents and many higher ranking members of the Sheriff's Department, (Clad mostly in Ramsay for Sheriff shirts) were treated to the first in depth Sheriff's candidate forum held last Thursday, July 5 in Tavernier.

Gardi for Clerk Calls Out All the Candidates

That's right folks, it's an old fashioned show down!

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 5, 2012

The Community Blood Centers of Florida has challenged all the candidates to rally their supporters into a blood donation center and give blood in the name of their favorite candidate.  Anyone donating blood during the month of July can drop a ballot in the Blood Barometer Ballot Box in the name of their favorite candidate.

Offer to Stream Board Meeting for Free Draws Criticism

As they good deed goes unpunished.

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  June 30, 2012

The recent school board meeting in which our new School Superintendent was selected was steamed live over the Internet, and happily close to 2000 viewers had tuned in at some point, with as many as 187 watching at any one time.  This was conveneint, as the live broadcast on Comcast channel 78 failed.

Clerk to Close Courts - Other Solutions Exist

Or...what would never happen if Matt Gardi were Clerk!

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  June 27, 2012

A recent article in the Key West Citizen (Found Here) discussed the fact that in response to a budget crisis, the Clerk of Courts intends to close the Courts on Fridays at 3pm.  This is to make up for a State funding shortfall of $210,000.

That's great, so the solution is to reduce service to the public in an already overwhelmed and back logged court system, versus finding other efficiencies and cost savings.

School Board Missed the Fact Gentile's CPA Could not be Verified

Andy Griffiths -  "I also think one of us would have said, "wait a minute, why didn't you verify that"?  Seems too obvious a question for a five person board to miss. "   

Yes Andy, it does seem too obvious!

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  June 23, 2012

Compounding the already ridiculous fact that School District Chief of Staff Ken Gentile is not really a CPA as he stated on his resume and as he has been attaching to his signatures, is this latest bombshell...

The School Board knew about it.  

I'm a CPA, You're a CPA, We're all CPAs...Why not?

So much for professional accreditation, right? 

I mean while we're at it, I'm an MD too.

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  June 21, 2012

What was I thinking?  All caught up in this career thing, when all I needed to do was pick one.  I mean after all, it is simply some paper work and a couple of bucks, right?

Yes, you may have guessed I am referring to the latest School District scandal that School Board Candidate Larry Murray uncovered.  Apparently MCSD Chief of Staff, Ken Gentile, formerly the internal auditor, is not really a Florida CPA even though he claimed to be one on his application.  You can read about it here in the Keynoter and here in the Citizen.

The Koval Conspiracy Calls for Clarification...NO DUI?

Was Sheriff Candidate Discipline Politically Motivated?  More Questions Surface...
Where was the DUI?  Were other Deputies never tested?

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  June 18, 2012  

A recent article in the Key West Citizen (Found Here) covered how Candidate for Sheriff Matt Koval was recently reprimanded for allowing a Deputy he was supervising to go on duty drunk. Not just drunk, but twice the legal limit!  An internal investigation conducted by Koval's chain of command concluded that Koval allowed Deputy Donald Dalton to go on duty and drive after being warned by other deputies that Dalton was impaired.

Clerk of Courts Debate - June 14, 2012

Another Great Finnegan's Wake Scrimmage

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  June 17, 2012  

I'd like to say all were present and accounted for.  Unfortunately, Amy Heavilin felt it more important to be a guest bartender elsewhere rather than being part of an informative debate.  Thank you Kevin and Stu for showing up and helping our Republican voters become more informed of their choices.

Question 1:  Please describe the Clerk's responsibilities in a couple of sentences and 
tell us why you could carry out the job better than your opponents.

Question 2:   What new programs or systems would you put into place if elected?

Question 3:  What other issues about the Clerk's Office should the voters know about?