Commissioner Jack Bridges Shows his True Custodial Qualities
...Big Difference from Big Talking Candidate Bridges
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - September 9, 2012
For those of you who may not remember the election of 2010, or may not want to remember, allow me to take you on a short trip down memory lane.
During the campaign, Mosquito Control Commission "candidate" Jack Bridges could not be found without his trusty broom in hand, a symbol he claimed that represented (According to the Citizen - See Here) "his plan to sweep away the "arrogance" and "big spending."
Now we find that as an elected Commissioner, "Broom Boy" Bridges is doing a 180 on us.
While most other agencies are tightening their belts, only two years after the 2010 campaign season that featured endless rhetoric of spending control, the Mosquito Control District is stinging us with an 11.3% tax hike. (See Here)
The only Commissioner seemingly able to remember the 2010 campaign season, is Phil Goodman, and he didn't even run for the board as he was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacant seat of Dick Rudell who passed away shortly after the election. Kudos to Phil Goodman for remembering the will of the people during the election of 2010.
But back to Broom Boy. Folks, we have to hold candidates accountable for what they say when they are running for office, and what they actually do once elected. This all gets back to the bill of goods candidates sell us while they are running for office. It's one thing if they don't say anything, and are non-committal. If the public is foolish enough to elect them, we get what we elected ... a bland smiling face... trying hard not to do anything that might offend someone so as to preserve their own political career.
However, if you present yourself to the public as someone who wants to cut spending, and even go so far as to carry around a cheap campaign prop such as a broom, by all means you better cut spending once elected. By ALL means. Anything less is disingenuous and deceitful. It's nice that Bridges has perfected the art of getting elected using a prop, (on his way to running for Judge more than likely) but now we can all see his true colors coming to light. It only exemplifies one true characteristic about Broom Boy that we can count on whether as a candidate, a Commissioner, or a Judge...deceitfulness.
As an example to other sweet talking, prop carrying candidates, we need to show Bridges how to use his broom, and sweep him out of elected office.
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