Ohh-Oh! Here it Comes.
The Real Return of our Suspender Superhero
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - October 1, 2012We've heard all the rumors, and all the chatter and intonations...Vogel and Kohl are in cahoots. We were charmed by the first debate between the post primary State Attorney candidates (AKA Love Fest - See Here) Write-ups in the local media echo the common theme of how they adore each other's ethics, and will never speak negatively of each other. But Vogel denied a pre-arranged deal, right?
Having spent much time on the campaign trail with Catherine Vogel during the course of the primary campaign, videotaping many of the debates, I listened to her repeatedly distance herself from Mark Kohl. Numerous times she was presented with similar questions about whether or not she and Kohl were orchestrating a team approach at defeating incumbent State Attorney Dennis Ward. The insinuation always being that if either one won, they would hire the other. Vogel was consistent in her denials of any such agreements, or strategy, suggesting often that her only communication with Kohl was about his health.
But now, after defeating Ward in the primary, comfortably outspending Kohl going into the general election, Vogel has begun the slow evolution of her rhetoric to begin the conditioning of the public to become accustomed to what we all know to be inevitable. Mark Kohl will be returning from the private sector to once again work in the Office of the State Attorney, win or lose the election.
In a recent article in the Keynoter (See Here) Vogel states "If and when I'm elected, I'll assess the needs of the office. If Mr. Kohl is the right person for a position, I'll do what's best for the community." Yeah, we all had that figured out. It's apparent Kohl, who couldn't cut it in the private sector, is chomping at the bit to get back on the State payroll. Obviously, Vogel is more than willing to oblige to bring Kohl in from the cold cruel world of private sector employment.
With the advent of SAO lead felony attorney, Terry Hunnewell's plans to depart the Plantation Key Office of the State Attorney, the stage is set perfectly for Upper Keys resident Kohl's return, suspenders and all.
So we have that to look forward to. Scarier still is the prospect of another character from the Kohl administration returning. No, I speak not of a needless $30,000/year Media relations specialist, nor a rookie investigator that liked to zip around town with the lights "a-blazin." But rather I speak of the one that influenced both of their hires. Yes, that bridge loving, special magistrating while chief assisting type of lawyer who ran his private practice out of 530 Whitehead Street...the infamous J. Jefferson Overby.
Yes Vogel has consistently denied that prospect when asked during the campaign....well, we're watching the Kohl verbiage slowly change now aren't we...
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