Naked Conch Truth in Campaigning Award!

Candidate for Sheriff Rick Ramsay

Thanks to a an anonymous comment in a previous post about Candidate for Sheriff Rick Ramsay's discipline record including an action for leaving his weapon in an unattended vehicle with the window open. (See Here)  It was illustrated that Candidate Ramsay has stated previously at a forum that he has an unblemished record.  Ooops on the HONESTY thingy, Colonel.  Gives one pause, and makes one wonder...what else..what else?



  1. Telling a lie while standing so close to the Masonic Lodge Symbol. That makes this brother say hmmmmmm...... maybe I shouldn't vote for him simply because he is a Mason.

  2. Ouch, I can't believe he lied. I am going to change my vote come November 6th. Rick you have lost my trust, We have enough corruption without electing someone who lies to our faces.

  3. LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! His BUBBA machine is so powerful it feels like a fascist police State at forums & on US1 with all of the signs plastered everywhere...This man reeks of arrogance and entitlement!

  4. Another published comment without the facts.
    A written Letter of Counseling, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office written Policy’s and Procedure’s, as well as the forms in Internal Affairs, clearly state “Letters of Counseling are not considered discipline”. Therefore Col. Rick Ramsay did not lie. Discipline starts at a written Letter of Reprimand up to and including termination. Has been like that far before Ramsay was running for Sheriff
    Public records allow you to pull his records. Do it yourself instead of listening to half published information.
    I researched it before I made comment….you should also! It is the responsible thing to do.

    1. If you are referring to my "blog post", (Vs other "comments" above) it is accurate. Colonel Ramsay refers to an unblemished record. If you don't consider a Letter of Counseling for leaving a weapon in an unattended vehicle with the window open a "blemish" that is your opinion. However, your hair splitting only draws attention to the question of why did Ramsay only receive a Letter of Counseling???

      We'll address that in another post...but thanks for your input.

    2. Hey Anonymous,

      Tricky Rick said unblemished. A letter of counseling to this lay person means blemished so in my opinion he lied.

      Try as you may to parse his words, the simple truth is he screwed up early in his career and should have admitted it. Moreover, it was a long time ago and I could have let it pass without notice. But lie about it, and now minimize it through spinning a definition for discipline will not erase the doubt in my mind about his ability to tell the truth.

      Additionally it lends credence to the recent reports I am hearing from friends. You know those reports, that he is allowing his high ranking buddies to intimidate business owners up and down the keys into removing Peteck for sheriff signs. I even heard he has his father, the vice mayor of Marathon, going around to Marathon businesses and intimidating them as well. How sad.

    3. If you want to know how bad Ramsay is for this county check out

      read through the posts, not even the line officers want this guy. Don't confuse line officers with Ramsays over paid posse that follow him around and bully people to vote for him.

      This should be in the Key West Citizen if they were worth anything they'd be investigating his lies.

    4. You're listen to some whining malcontents and the LOSERS from the primary still smarting from getting beaten so bad.

      One of the Republican primary LOSERS had two DUI's and was fired for beating a prisoner. Another had had domestic violence injunction placed against him. Now that's note worthy. Leaving an unsecured weapon in a car 20 years ago, not so much.

      Peteck is not a bad guy, just delusional. Never made sergeant but wakes up one day saying "Hey, I can be Sheriff".

      Ramsay will win big, and will be a good Sheriff.

    5. It's comforting to know that tricky Rick's staff has confirmed they did their opposition research. That just confirms my opinion of Tom Peteck as an honest man. Also I feel that public service calling is in his heart. It hasn't gone to his head like tricky Rick.

      So chief, have I confused you? Are you still following this? If not I can type slower.

      Let me bottom line it for you...Every fiber in my body told me Tom Peteck is an honest man, y'all confirmed it , since if you had any dirt you would have played it by now.

  5. Hey Anonymous @401pm,

    The policy also says discipline shall be characterized as corrective rather than punitive. So by your definition NO deputies have ever been disciplined either I guess......

    So nice try Chief or is it Captain or maybe Lt. That should cover it as few deputies Sergeant and below support Tricky Rick. Sorry for stealing it from the guy above but it fits so well, I will continue to use it.

  6. This is a reply to the post about the "republican losers". Im shocked that a Ramsay supporter would personally attack the republican primary candidates. I quess the threats from Ramsay himself during the campaign directly to those candidates should have been my first clue. Silly me I heard over and over the Ramsay camp were the only ones taking the high road. The personal attacks contained about about the other candidates are untrue. However Rick Ramsay himself threatened to release this un true information. Still the other candidates never mentioned Ramsay dating the wife of a current sergeant, and the fact he began dating her while still married to that sergeant. Never mentioned MCSO paid to settle a lawsuit in 1994 to Mr. Guiterriez in Federal court because of Ramsay's inproper behavior during an encounter acting as a deputy sheriff. Never mentioned Ramsay was the roomate of a deputy sheriff who was accused of molesting boys in the explorer program in the home the two shared. Never brought up that Ramsay was dating the flight medic who was accused of stealing equipment off Trama Star and covered up the investigation. Never mentioned Col. Ramsay had sexual relations with a deputy sheriff who was then given training opportunities that more senior deputies were denied. Never mentioned Ramsay was denied employment at the Sheriffs Office in 1984 because of his drug use. All of these things can be confirmed by public records and sworn statements. The information the person claimed about the two "republican losers" can be proven false by the same public records. This information is all out there and anyone who is interested can verify it.

    1. Wait ....what what what? How come I am just now hearing some of these allegations? Oh yeah the Key West Citizen and every other paper in the keys is in the bag for Ramsay. After all look at all the money he has spent for advertising at each of them. No wonder they are keeping it hush hush.

      In their defense, they probably don't know how to proceed with this information. After all no one has written the news article and then emailed it to them for printing.

      Now I am not a journalism grad but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express recently so here's a tip. Ask Ramsay:
      1. Did you live with a child molesting deputy? Did you witness anything odd? If not, why not?

      2. Did you date the flight nurse at the center of the recent missing drug scandal in the fire department? If so what part did you play in the investigation of the incident? Who did you speak with during the investigation?

      3. When did you meet your current girlfriend? Is it true she was married at the time? Were is her ex husband currently assigned? Where was he assigned prior to your dating his ex wife?

      4. Well you get the idea, the rest you can figure out on your own.

      Come on guys show some of that Independence the press is noted for.
