The TRUE meaning of Virginia Street
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Dec 31, 2011
So what is the real deal with the outcry over the Virginia Street wall fiasco that has gone on in Key West recently. This isn't about an ADA compliant sidewalk, nor is it about the destruction of the character of Key West. It isn't about the waste of federal tax dollars we don’t have, and no, it’s not about the City sidestepping HARC and barreling through a project without their approval as any other peon would have had to have done.
Virginia Street is about an overbearing government that wants to oppress opposing opinions. Virginia Street is about free speech. Virginia Street is about what differentiates us from banana republics, and totalitarian regimes. It’s about cowboy government officials that want not only to silence, but want to penalize those residents that might not agree with them. For those that may have somehow missed this latest debacle of Keystone Cop City Officials at their best, here is a summary.
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - Dec 31, 2011
So what is the real deal with the outcry over the Virginia Street wall fiasco that has gone on in Key West recently. This isn't about an ADA compliant sidewalk, nor is it about the destruction of the character of Key West. It isn't about the waste of federal tax dollars we don’t have, and no, it’s not about the City sidestepping HARC and barreling through a project without their approval as any other peon would have had to have done.
Virginia Street is about an overbearing government that wants to oppress opposing opinions. Virginia Street is about free speech. Virginia Street is about what differentiates us from banana republics, and totalitarian regimes. It’s about cowboy government officials that want not only to silence, but want to penalize those residents that might not agree with them. For those that may have somehow missed this latest debacle of Keystone Cop City Officials at their best, here is a summary.