Kevin Madok Flip Flop Found

First Naked Conch Flip Flop Award
Adding to US Heat Wave, Madok Goes Full on 180 Degrees

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  July 19, 2012

Integrity. Say one thing, mean another? Does it depend on the audience one is speaking to?
Well folks, we have had so much hot air blowing around this campaign season that I thought it time to start holding people accountable for what they say and to whom.

Our efforts at Naked Conch to capture on video debates, forums and statements made by candidates has allowed for us to acutely examine their words. And what else do we as voters have to go on, other than a candidates words.

To that end, our first Naked Conch FLIP FLOP award goes to Kevin Madok, Candidate for Clerk of Courts.  

FLIP FLOP TOPIC - March 13 Madok supported joining the lawsuit by Duval County Clerk of Courts suing the Banks to defend our land records, and recapture millions in filing fees the banks evaded. On June 30 he claims the case had no merit and should never have been a campaign issue.

On June 30 Kevin Madok posted on his Facebook page the fact he never thought Duval County Clerk of Court's lawsuit had any merit and that it shouldn't be a campaign issue.  Please see the screen shot of Kevin Madok's Facebook page below.     

Yet, if we go back in time to a forum held on March 13 before the Southernmost Republicans (Video Available Below - Madok quote starts at 1:38)  Madok states quite clearly that he felt tracking the titles is a tangled mess and then goes on to state in reference to Duval County's suit....  

"I think all the Clerk's in Florida, and really the Country belong as plaintiffs in that." 

As a candidate who thinks this is a very important campaign issue to the residents of Monroe County I was somewhat surprised.  Not just by the fact that he doesn't consider this an important issue, but more so by the fact that this represents one of the biggest campaign FLIP FLOPs I can remember.  Simply because this case was dismissed, Madok now feels he wants to jump on the "I told you so" bandwagon.

Well yeah, he did tell us.  He told us the exact opposite when it was convenient to do so.  More appalling is the fact he wants to dismiss this very important issue in defense of our property rights.  This was one of many, many cases filed and the fight goes on.  It's also important to continue the fight because of the lost filing fees at a time when the Clerk's Office is facing a budget shortfall, and Madok's only proposed solution is to close the Courts at 3PM on Fridays.

Stay tuned for more coverage of candidates and what they say....


  1. Won't vote for you Gardi.

    1. OK Captain Anonymous don't.
      ...and which County agency do you run?

      Thanks for following Naked Conch!
