Large Campaign Photo Appears in MCSO Internal Newspaper Available on MCSO Public Website
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi - July 14, 2012
One could say I was splitting hairs on this one, and in fact I had previously not thought it worthy of a post. However, as Kay Thacker implied yesterday in her guest post, perhaps the long arm of the law is being used as a strong arm of the Sheriff's campaign. Add that to the recent MCSO Koval disciplinary conspiracy, and the public records shenanigans Bill Grove experienced in exposing wasteful MCSO spending, and one feels fairly justified in holding the department under a public microscope during this campaign season.
On June 2 I sent an email to Becky Herrin, MCSO Public Information Officer, and asked;
"has there been any emails, documents or memos distributed internally within the MCSO that contained any candidates for office wearing campaign clothing, stickers or pins?"
Herrin responded;
Herrin then directed me to the Weekly Rap Up, an MCSO produced periodical embedded with local advertising on the MCSO's PUBLIC website. I looked through a few back issues and easily found one dated April 20 which has a large picture on Page 4 of Colonel Ramsay, dressed in campaign gear.
"has there been any emails, documents or memos distributed internally within the MCSO that contained any candidates for office wearing campaign clothing, stickers or pins?"
Herrin responded;
There are no public records that would fulfill this request for information.
Becky Herrin
Monroe County Sheriff’s Office
To which I responded;
"would the MCSO internal newsletter called the Rap Sheet constitute a public record by your definition? If it was produced and distributed using public resources, I would argue that it does."

So I asked Herrin;
"Thanks. I found the attached photo in the April 20 issue. Who produces this, and how else is it distributed?"
Herrin declined to respond to repeated questions. I suppose that responding to questions from the Public does not fall into the job description of the tax payer funded Public Information Officer. Perhaps her time is too consumed placing campaign photos on Public Resources, or creating roadblocks to obtaining Public Records. (See Here.)
Fortunately, the MCSO website provided an answer to my question.
Weekly Rap UpThe Weekly Rap Up is an email based newsletter distributed weekly to all Sheriff's Office employees. To submit an article to the Rap Up, email Deputy Becky Herrin at Because this web site is available to the public, the Weekly Rap Up may be edited to withhold some employee information such as home or cell phone numbers and addresses. If you are an employee and want to see the complete, unedited version, it is available in Outlook Public Folders on the Sheriff's Office computer network.
Apparently, Becky Herrin herself puts together the Rap Up distributed throughout the MCSO via email and available to the Public. Funny how she earlier stated "There are no public records that would fulfill this request..." when she herself actually produced just such a public record only weeks before.
As I mentioned at the beginning, maybe I'm just splitting hairs. Maybe Herrin forgot she had inadvertently placed a substantially large photo of Colonel Ramsay in campaign gear in the Rap Up that she produces and that is distributed to the Public. Maybe I shouldn't be influenced by the fact she has already shown she could create challenges to obtaining Public Records as she had done to Bill Grove. You also would think that Herrin would err on the side of caution during the campaign season, considering efforts are made to remove phone numbers, etc. Ahh, maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill...
But then again if we take a look at Colonel Ramsay's must be nice to have a campaign contributor working as your Public Information Officer.
Is it any wonder Ms. Herrin behaves as she does, when she is backed by Ramsay who behaves as if he is entitled to spend the public's money by using patrol cars and officers to do his bidding for his campaign. The sheriffs office has shown their true colors. It appears it's not about the citizens it's about keeping the status quo and their administrative bloated paychecks. In my opinion looking at all the facts, voting for Ramsay for sheriff would be like voting for the Mafia to run MCSO. Time for change.
ReplyDeleteWOW so
ReplyDelete1.Becky Herrin lies (There are no public records that would fulfill this request for information)
2.You catch her in a lie (Becky Herrin herself puts together the Rap Up distributed throughout the MCSO via email and available to the Public)
3.Becky Herrin ignores you (Herrin declined to respond to repeated questions)
4. Becky Herrin has a history of this same behavior regarding public documents before.
5. Becky Herrin donates to Ramsay's campaign, hence she supports Ramsay.
Hmmm so
In essence Ramsay is using the MCSO info distribution resources, The MCSO employees and MCSO vehicles to benefit his campaign. Is Sheriff Peryam ok with this blatant waste of our tax payers dollars?
Or is Sheriff Peryam to busy driving Amy Heavilin up and down the Keys in his Company car on Company time promoting her election bid for Clerk of Court. Oh My! Seem there is a pattern there.
Of Note... Kay Thacker had this recent email exchange with Sheriff Peryam recently.
DeleteDear Bob,
Is it illegal for officers to use county owned cars for any political
events? Another thing are administrative officers allowed to date other officers in the department? Hope to hear from you on these issues. Also getting complaints from business owners that on duty officers are asking that signs of certain candidates be taken down, is that allowed while on duty?
Subject: RE: County Cars
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 17:00:16 -0400
From: Bob Peryam
To: 'O.Kay Thacker'
Good afternoon. It was good to see you the other night at the debate.
Believe it or not, I do miss the debates. I am one of those crazy people that enjoy that. It is improper to use a county car for political events. Not sure of any laws that regulate that but it should not be done. Administrative Officers should not date subordinates. That is just bad policy and practice but again no law against it. Last no one should do anything that has anything to do with politics on duty, in uniform, or in a Sheriff's office vehicle at any time. Thank you.
I read what Bob Peryam wrote
ReplyDelete"Last no one should do anything that has anything to do with politics on duty, in uniform, or in a Sheriff's office vehicle at any time."
Then why is he endorsing a candidate who campaigns in uniform with the company car? I have a huge issue with my tax dollars, without my permission, being used by MCSO officers using county vehicles to transport any political sign. Or officers in uniform asking business owners to remove political signs and replace the with their candidate's sign. (re: K. Thacker article) Why is it OK for a candidate/officers to strong arm businesses into supporting someone they don't. Thank God you can't be followed into the voting booth. I want the Sheriffs office to protect me NOT strong arm me.
Why isn't the Keynoter or Key West Citizen reporting on these issue? Sounds like a coming Acevedo mess all over again. Administration at MCSO is NOT entitled. I guess the voters will have to let them know we don't want business as usual.
Why isn't the Keynoter or Key West Citizen reporting on these issue?
DeleteThat is a good question. The existence of so much graft and corruption in the Keys is enabled as a direct result of the lack of investigative journalism by what we depend on as main stream media. They are beholden to their largest advertisers, who are inevitably tied to the power brokers in the Keys.
They then have the audacity to suggest that alternative media such as blogs or weekly newspapers do not represent true journalism, when the exact inverse is the case. There is not one thing I write that is not fully vetted and researched, and the blog allows for me to display supporting documents.
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