...and the Treatment SUFA Received From an "Appreciative" County
EDITOR'S NOTE: During my recent campaign for Clerk, I had the pleasure to get to know Linda Gottwald of SUFA, as the issue was one that had come up at numerous forums. Linda was persecuted by an out of control abusive County Administration with ulterior motivation, and the public was only privy to the information those same administrators disseminated to the press. As a result, our County is exposed once again to legal action, and justifiably so. Until the cronies at the top are held accountable, we will continue to reward the best performers with this same "appreciative" treatment. Below is one exchange Linda and I enjoyed.
From Linda;
When SUFA assumed the contract, we re-opened the Big Pine shelter ( a relatively new structure that had been sitting empty and unused for years). We also started a low cost spay/neuter clinic, especially for the feral cats of the middle keys. (the same cats the feds are spending thousands of dollars with useless studies and forums on - with their budget, we could have had the population completely sterilized by now)
SUFA opened both shelters on weekends, doubled the hours the Marathon shelter was open and held annual animal law seminars for the state attorney, MCSO, and anyone who was interested. We hosted the annual Animal Hero banquets. We started the PAL program for troubled kids so that they could work with animals, promoted the anti-chaining law for Monroe County. We had the highest adoption rate and lowest euthanasia rate in the County and spent thousands of dollars building a cage-free enclosures for the cats and fences so dogs could go outside. All on our own initiative and nickel, using donated funds.