Naked Conch Truth in Campaigning Award!

Candidate for Sheriff Rick Ramsay

Thanks to a an anonymous comment in a previous post about Candidate for Sheriff Rick Ramsay's discipline record including an action for leaving his weapon in an unattended vehicle with the window open. (See Here)  It was illustrated that Candidate Ramsay has stated previously at a forum that he has an unblemished record.  Ooops on the HONESTY thingy, Colonel.  Gives one pause, and makes one wonder...what else..what else?


Deputy Fricke Not Alone in Leaving Weapons in Patrol Car

Ramsay Has Also Left His Weapon in a Vehicle

Not just unattended... but in plain view...
....with the window open!
- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 29, 2012
While the MCSO and the community as a whole has been stirred up recently after the break-in and theft of weapons and SWAT gear from a Sergeant's MCSO patrol car, (See Here) it has come to our attention that Second in Command at the MCSO, and candidate for Sheriff, Rick Ramsay has made a similar blunder in the past as well.

We obtained this MCSO Internal Review Record of Colonel Ramsay from a former Sheriff's candidate that wished to remain anonymous named Bill.  Or Ed, or Edwin or something...

Evaluating Teachers - It's Not Rocket Science...Right?

Think Again - Welcome to the VAM Performance Formula 

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 23, 2012

I'm all for accountability.  I also believe there are ways to evaluate almost anyone's performance.  But in the development of a teacher evaluation formula, the wizards at the State Department of Education have illustrated without a doubt why it is critical that they themselves need to be evaluated.  Psychologically evaluated.  They are straight out certifiable.  I'm not exactly sure if we can Baker Act an entire State Department, but I think it is time to try.

It might prove easier than trying to understand the formula they came up with to evaluate teacher performance.

Guest Post: Hire Higher

Why not, it's not the School Board's money?

- Naked Conch - Posted by Larry Murray - September 18, 2012
Editor's Note:  Larry Murray nails this one home.  Hey, It's great we're not hiring entrenched Bubbas at the School District, but do we really need to pay hay day wages to a new employee without testing the market with more reasonable compensation.  Also, Larry is as brevity challenged as yours truly, but hey, we're not paying for print media and killing trees, so think of it as saving natural resources!

The School District has hired a new Purchasing Agent.  That, indeed, is good news as the position has been vacant for several months.
          Not only has the District hired a new Purchasing Agent, it has hired an experienced one, taking someone previously with the Sheriff’s Department.  There will be no need for training, no learning curve to get up to speed.  Coming from the Sheriff’s Department, the new hire arrives with both general experience and a knowledge of governmental purchasing, a decided asset.  I look forward to good things coming in the purchasing area.

Return of the Suspenders - State Attorney Forum

It's a HORROR Film, and a LOVE Story

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 16, 2012

Bringing new meaning to the term "Slug" fest, Mark Kohl returns to the debate circuit to take on his former Chief Assistant State Attorney Catherine Vogel.  Wearing his trademark suspenders, Kohl tangles with Vogel in the manner expected of two life long government employees excited about the prospect of getting back on the government tit.

Both candidates in the love fest were beaming with confidence that their long unsuccessful forays into the private sector would soon be over, and oddly we imagine that they BOTH are correct.  Please participate in the comments and polls below the video.

Peteck and Ramsay - Head to Head

First Sheriff's Forum of the General Election
Hosted by the Lodging Association at the Westin in Key West

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 15, 2012
Please note: This was a combined forum with the candidates for State Attorney, however we edited the State Attorney candidate responses out and will provide them in another video and blog post.

Also, clearly I should have provided videographer Bill Grove with a tripod along with a camera, as he seemed challenged to overcome some "stability" issues.  But hey, we thank him none the less for taking the time to videotape this event.  Enjoy, and as always, please feel free to leave comments and take the poll below the video.

Ward Turns Right, Joins GOP

State Attorney Dennis Ward Registers as a Republican
What's he got cookin'?

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 10, 2012
After his recent defeat in his attempt to win re-election, State Attorney Dennis Ward has dumped the party that dumped him in the August 14th primary.

Ward acknowledged today that he has left the Democratic Party and registered with the Grand Old Party.   Further, he wants to be involved and says he is looking forward to attending tomorrow night's meeting of the Southernmost Republicans....not that he hadn't amassed GOP club frequent flyer miles anyway.

Broom Boy Bridges' Backtracking Betrayal

Commissioner Jack Bridges Shows his True Custodial Qualities
...Big Difference from Big Talking Candidate Bridges

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 9, 2012

For those of you who may not remember the election of 2010, or may not want to remember, allow me to take you on a short trip down memory lane.

During the campaign, Mosquito Control Commission "candidate" Jack Bridges could not be found without his trusty broom in hand, a symbol he claimed that represented  (According to the Citizen - See Here) "his plan to sweep away the "arrogance" and "big spending."

Now we find that as an elected Commissioner, "Broom Boy" Bridges is doing a 180 on us.

Linda Gottwald Speaks About the Record of SUFA

...and the Treatment SUFA Received From an "Appreciative" County

EDITOR'S NOTE:  During my recent campaign for Clerk, I had the pleasure to get to know Linda Gottwald of SUFA, as the issue was one that had come up at numerous forums.  Linda was persecuted by an out of control abusive County Administration with ulterior motivation, and the public was only privy to the information those same administrators disseminated to the press.  As a result, our County is exposed once again to legal action, and justifiably so.  Until the cronies at the top are held accountable, we will continue to reward the best performers with this same "appreciative" treatment.  Below is one exchange Linda and I enjoyed.

From Linda; 

When SUFA assumed the contract, we re-opened the Big Pine shelter ( a relatively new structure that had been sitting empty and unused for years).  We also started a low cost spay/neuter clinic, especially for the feral cats of the middle keys.  (the same cats  the feds are spending thousands of dollars with useless studies and forums on - with their budget, we could have had the population completely sterilized by now)

SUFA opened both shelters on weekends, doubled the hours the Marathon shelter was open and held annual animal law seminars for the state attorney, MCSO, and anyone who was interested. We hosted the annual Animal Hero banquets.  We started the PAL program for troubled kids so that they could work with animals, promoted the anti-chaining law for Monroe County.  We had the highest adoption rate and lowest euthanasia rate in the County and spent thousands of dollars building a cage-free enclosures for the cats and fences so dogs could go outside.  All on our own initiative and nickel, using donated funds.

GUEST POST: Sweeping Gentile Under the Rug

Performance Outweighs Being Held Accountable

- Naked Conch - Posted by Larry Murray - September 2, 2012
I was disappointed, though not surprised, to read the report here on Naked Conch that Andy Griffiths is waffling on the issue of Ken Gentile and his fraudulent claim to be a Florida licensed CPA.  Courage of one's convictions is not a commonplace amongst politicians and Griffiths is no exception.

Three months have passed since I raised the issue of Ken Gentile and his fraudulent claim on his application that he was a Florida licensed CPA and his continued use of "CPA" with his signature on numerous documents. Purportedly, the School Board had its attorney, Dirk Smits, conduct an investigation well over a month ago.  That there was an internal investigation has never been confirmed and certainly no report has been publicly presented to the School Board.

Citizen Fires off a Neuron in Mortgage Title Issue

DeSantis Covers Confusing Title of ONE Property

70% of Remaining Monroe County Titles Remain Unscathed by Citizen Coverage

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 1, 2012
Did a light bulb go on at the Key West Citizen?  Seemingly so, as John DeSantis penned a piece in this Sunday's edition of the Key West Citizen titled "Confusing mortgage ownerships, big problem."

While this latest effort at journalism by our esteemed daily is a positive event, the article barely even scratches the surface of the scale of the crisis.  DeSantis concentrates on the ownership issues of one property that was recently in the limelight for huge code enforcement fines.  He fails to address the fact that the issue he highlighted actually affects close to 70% of all title records in Monroe County.  This is the single most important issue that affects each and every one of us in a tangible and painful way.

"Gentile, CPA" Remains Under the Radar

Griffiths Refuses to Answer if Crime Occurred
...and Vogel Won't Politicize Politics?

- Naked Conch - Posted by Matt Gardi -  September 1, 2012

As the dust settles from the recent election results, many throughout the community are beginning to ask questions about a few select items that may have slipped through the cracks of public attention.  One such subject is our good friend Ken Gentile, School District Chief of Staff.  You remember Gentile, the CPA, right?